You Stole My Heart, So I Stole Your Car

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"Come home soon Cory. We miss you." The phone beeped once underneath my mother's crackled voice.

"We? As far as I know everyone in that household dislikes me." My knuckles turned white as i clenched my mobile phone. Another beep stirred off into silence.

"That's not true sweetie...everyone loves you! It's not even possible to dislike you." I could see my mother's sympathetic smile through the line. Too bad I didn't believe it.

"Yeah, okay mom. I have to go now-my battery is dying." Beep. Beep. Beep.

"But I'm not done Cory! Stop avoiding us, and come back home by Friday." She really did know how to bring out my name.

"I'm not leaving. Forget about it, Miranda." People actually notice me here, it's a nice change for once in awhile.

"I am your mother! Don't address me like that!" I coughed on the crushed ice my frozen tongue was playing with from the start of this ruthless conversation.

"Yeah, because mothers totally leave their child in the house without any money for food, or lets their husband curse me out everyday for no reason. Pat yourself on the back Ma', you win worse mother of the year award! You must be so proud." Sarcasm was just extra. Everything else was important to me, and I never even got that. So much for childhood.

"Cory! Jason has been noth-" Beeeeeep! My phone finally gave out, but I didn't bother charging it. It's the only reason mother stopped calling me.

I gave out a long huff and pinched my cheeks. Why couldn't I just stay here? It's not fair, everyone gets to live out their lives but I can't? That's just sick.

I was in a trance, maybe a phase as some may put it. I wanted to explore life for what is really was, not some crummy dull room. I guess some people can't handle that.

I was the beholder of a map of things to explore, to see. And when my mind is set, it can't be changed. Just ask my first grade teacher.

I remember it just like it was yesterday. Fall had just started and the leaves were trimming every inch of our semi-small playground. Because of this, Ms. Norwin didn't let us go play outside in the colorful patches of leaves. Instead she made us color the letter 'G'. I wasn't too fond of the idea, and glued her to the seat when she wasn't looking. In the end we go to go outside, thanks to me, and I got kicked out of elementary school.

Ah, the memories.

A light knock on the door tore me away from my thoughts,"Come in!" I sang out, laid on my stomach, and pointed my buzzum in the air.

The sound of heels came closer to my tired ears with every step.







The noise abruptly stopped, as did the shuffle of feet. Now the only thing left to bother me was the heavy cheap stench Mollie was giving off. I pinched my nose, and looked up at her.

"How many times must I tell you not to wear that shit? Especially when around living, breathing, human beings."

She snorted,"And how many times must I insist on telling you that you are not my mother?"

"Only a few.."

She giggled and raised one of her overly trimmed eyebrow's at me.

"Okay, maybe more then a few..?" I sat up straight and started to play with my hair.

You Stole My Heart, So I Stole Your Car [Mr. Jackass]Where stories live. Discover now