Chapter 7

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The rest of spring break I just stay around my house not really in the mood to go out or anything. After what happened with Zander I just I don't know. I don't want to like him but I can't help myself. I have no idea what got into him that day but after that he didn't even call me, but it's not like I care because I'm trying to avoid him for like maybe the rest of my life. Even I miss having his stupid self around.

I groan as I get up to take a shower. I took a long hot shower, letting the hot water burn my skin. I got out and changed into a khaki colored skirt, I tucked in the white lose tank. I slipped over a denim jacket. I slipped on some gold necklace and did my makeup. I pulled my hair into a messy bun since I was too lazy to actually do anything with it.. I left for school. God how I am getting so tired of going to school. I parked my jeep and just sat their thinking. I have to put on my big girl pants and get out the jeep to face the world. What are you thinking just get out the jeep. My thought were interrupted by someone knocking on my window. I looked up kinda hoping for Zander but kinda dying for it not to be him.

Standing there was Maximum, he's the biggest nerd but he's a cutie. He had those big blocky black framed glasses, his  brown hair a curly mop on his head and slight freckles over his cheeks with his brown eyes matching his hair. He's from my group of friends. I get out the car and we walked into the school.

"Why did you and Zander leave?" he asked me referring to the beach weekend.

"We kinda got in a fight so I'm avoiding him" I said looking around the halls hoping I would get a glance of him. Knowing Zander he wasn't even up by now.

"Oh I see, Lox was flipping out so was Summer" he said.

"Typical" I said rolling my eyes. The first bell rang signalling me to go to history. Please don't be here, please please PLEASE don't be here I thought over and over in my head. I walked in and scanned the room noticing he wasn't in here. I smiled as I walked to the back of the class, sitting down in my seat.

Almost 10 minutes till class is over till someone walks in. I looked up and my gray eyes lock on his dark brown eyes. My eyes scanned his face noticing a deep cut on his cheek, and his lip was busted but looked like it was cleaned up, what the hell happened to him.

"ZANDER HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU!? DON'T SHOW UP LATE WITHOUT A PASS?!?!" the teacher yelled at him. I looked down at my desk as I felt him walked closer and sit right next to me. Did he really have to do that? Doesn't he know anything about personal space?

Just don't pay any attention to him, only 10 minutes of class left. How hard could it be to ignore him? Pretty hard since he was only inches away, breathing down my neck like some sort of predator.

The bell rings and I get up running out the class because I just couldn't stand being near him and not talking to him, gosh what a great job I'm doing being mad at him. I rolled my eyes to myself and slowed down my pace. Out of no where I felt a large hand grab my arm and pull me into the library, dragging me to the back corner that was surrounded by books. I turned around to find Zander standing right in front of me.

"I'm leaving" I told him as I was about to walk off but he blocked the way.

"I need to talk to you" he said holding his stances.

"Well I don't want to talk to you." I said once again trying to pass him but he still blocked the way.

"You don't need to talk to me, just listen" he said then he rubbed the back of his neck before running his fingers through his hair messing it up even more than it already was.

"I didn't mean it, what happened back at the beach" he said, it seemed awkward but he was trying to apologies, it seems like he doesn't do this often. He just looked at me with his big eyes looking deeply into mine. I have never seen such emotions in my life.

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