8- The Guild Master

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I walked into the Cistern from the secret entrance. I was wearing my Thieves Guild Armour to keep the Nightingale identity a secret. I smiled when I saw the Guild back on it's feet. It was coming together nicely.

Brynjolf was by the desk working with some papers. The vault was closed, but I wasn't sure if they bothered to lock it considering that Mercer had taken everything. Brynjolf looked up from the papers as though he were looking for someone, then his eyes landed on me and they got wide. He paced out from behind the desk and over to me. Then wrapped me in a hug.

"I was so worried about you!" He said while hugging me. I couldn't help but relax in his arms a bit. "Yeah," I smiled. He pulled away to look at me, "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm fine. It's just... The Pilgrim's path was dangerous, but a lot more... emotional than I expected," I said giving a nervous chuckle. "What happened? Can you tell me?" He asked.

"Yeah, you are a Nightingale. Um- I saw- I saw him," I said. "Who?" "My dad," I answered, "He was the last sane sentinel guarding the temple. He- I- I finally got to say goodbye. I'd been so bitter towards his death, because I'd felt like I was robbed of at least a goodbye. Then I- I got to do it." Tears started rushing down my face. He pulled me in a comforting hug, and I smiled softly against his shoulder.

"He said he was proud of me!" I cried. "Good, he should be. You've done so much for the Guild and the Nightingales," He said agreeing with dad. "I missed you. I really wish you could've been there," I said. "He's passed on?" He asked. "Yeah. To Evergloam. He will be watching over us in the shadows," I said with a smile.

"And your mum?" He asked. "She's at the Hall. She's making it her home," I replied, "And I'll be the leader, but... I'm going to make it my home as well." "Alright," He smiled, "If you'll follow me to the center of the Cistern."

The two of us walked to the center of the Cistern. "Everyone! Everyone! Gather around!" Brynjolf said with a smile. Maven had come down as well when someone went to get her. And someone went and got Tonilla, Delvin, Vex, and anyone else who'd been in the flagon at the time. Everyone gathered around, and I hadn't realized that Mum had followed me in as well.

"Look, I've never been good at these things, so I'm just going to keep it short. Being Guild Master means more than just getting a cut of all the loot, it's about being a leader and keeping this rabble in order. With that in mind, I propose the position of Guild Master should be yours. Delvin?" Brynjolf finished off looking at Delvin.

"Absolutely! Thanks to you, Riseki, the Guild is better than it has ever been!" Delvin replied. "Vex?" Brynjolf asked. "Sure, why not... Delvin's right. If anyone deserves this position... it's you," Vex smiled. "Karliah?" Brynjolf looked a mum. "That might be a little bias," I chuckled. "Cute, but yeah. Definitely. Gallus always believed that one day she would lead this place. Now I know that he was right," Mum smiled.

"Everyone agrees, so all there is to do now is name you Guild Master, and wish you good fortune and long life. Now everyone, let's get back to work," He chuckled at the end. Everyone dispersed doing their own thing. Brynjolf turned to me, "If you need anything at all... you know you can ask me." "I couldn't think of a better person for the Job, Nightingale," Mum smiled.

"Thanks mum," I chuckled. "I think by now, everyone knows what transpired between Mercer Frey and us. The notion that Nightingales were a fictive group has long since passed. IF you wish to wear your Nightingale Armor within the guild, I'm certain that no one would give it any thought," She said.

"How have things been, now that Mercer has gone?" I asked hoping to know how she's doing. "I'm feeling a sens of inner peace... something that I haven't felt in a very long time. Instead of being clouded with thoughts of revenge and retribution, my mind is now clear. The mist gone. I feel only serenity and fulfillment. I also plan to dabble in my old past times. I'll be fixing up the Hall and making it more livable," She replied.

"Good," I smiled. She walked away, leaving Brynjolf and I alone, "So... that's it? Nothing else to it?" "Sorry if it isn't the ceremony you were hoping for, but we're not exactly known for throwing our coin around. You know that," He chuckled. "I know," I smiled.

"After we're done here, head over to Tonilia and she'll set you up with your Guild Master Armor. Oh, and one last thing. Here, I want you to take this. It's sort of a tradition around here," He said handing me an amulet. I hung it around my neck with his mother's amulet.

"So how is the guild doing?" I asked considering I've been gone a bit to return the key. "Take a good look around you!" He chuckled waving his arms out some, "Have you ever seen the Guild in such a prosperous state? With Mercer Frey gone and our influence spreading across Skryim, the Guild's earned a new level of respect it hasn't seen in decades. I couldn't be more proud to be part of the Thieves Guild... or it's new Guild Master," He said getting a little more smitten in the end of that.

I giggled a bit at his tone. "Thank you," I smiled, then I frowned. "What's wrong?" He asked seeing the change. "So what now? Between us? We're Nightingales now. We have to protect the temple for the rest of our lives, Brynjolf." "Meaning?" "We can't just settle down. Well I mean we could, but-," "You wanted to settle down?"

"One day. Not today. But one day, I'd want to settle down and have a family," "With who?" He asked, and my jaw dropped a bit at his stupidity. "With you, you idiot," I chuckled hitting his arm a bit. "Good... We can try, but like you said, we'll always have to protect the Ebonmere. It'll be fine and doable," He chuckled.

"Good. So what's our future?" I asked. "Hmm..." He hummed leaning in to kiss me. I kissed him back giggling into the kiss. He pulled away, then looked me in the eyes and said, "Marry me?" The question throwing me off guard for a moment. "What?" I asked trying to be clear of what he just asked. "Marry me, Riseki Shadow- Walker. No one has to know. Just me and you," He smiled.

"Yes," I smiled back. Then he started to pace towards the exit, "Right now?" "Yeah, come on," He said waving for me to follow. I followed him up to the temple of Mara. Where our worlds will forever be combined.

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