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He ran a hand through his black hair and huffed. "I told you I'm sorry, but there's not much I can do!"

"You can try and do things right and then come and find me! But that's to difficult for you isn't it?" - I took a step toward the beach house but Leo put himself in my path.

"Faith" - he whispered. "I'm really sorry, but I think that if we are meant to be, we'll find each other someday" - he leaned closer and pecked my lips.

Don't cry, I told myself. But it was no use, I knew what was coming next and not sure I was ready for it.

"Leonard!" - called his Mother from the cab.

"I have to go, but please, promise me you won't forget me?" - he put a piece of paper in my hand and  pecked my lips one last time. "Goodbye, Faith" ' he turned around and left.

"Don't go!" - I screamed. But he was already gone.

I waited until I couldn't see the cab anymore and let the tears fall. It wasn't until I was inside the house safe in my room that I decided to open the paper Leo had put in my hand. And once I read it I cried myself to sleep.

"Dear Faith,

If we never meet again, I want you to know that I had the best summer. It was because of you... You are a really special girl, thank you for all the wonderful memories. I hope you never forget me.
                                                                                                 -Leonard "

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