I Plead The Fifth

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It was an agent that had stopped me when I exited the girl's bathroom

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It was an agent that had stopped me when I exited the girl's bathroom. He looked concerned for a moment, but when he knew my name...I figured that he knew me for the wrong reasons. So, he pulled me aside, and began to question me, but then came Monroe. She stated that he couldn't question a minor without a facility present. So, this discussion continued in the counselor room.

Agent Mccall....Scott Mccall... Monroe warned me about this. But, when he started asking questions I freeze. Especially after everything that happened with Beth, I was already shaken up. Her words "I'm not the enemy" roomed in my head as I set in the counselor room. Why did I have to lie, if this was a good cause? If we were doing this to better Beacon Hills, like Monroe and Gabe told me?

He asked about the two teens that went missing after being transported. Gabe told me some stuff...said that "they got what they deserved" I didn't share this with Mccall. I could barely produce any words from my mouth. When I finally could make out a words, the bell rings, and Monroe excuses me.

Once lunch passed there I was, walking the halls stunned, confused, scared. I, I think things are getting bad. But, it soon worsened when I sat in English and was called out by Monroe. When I walked out, there she was, with Gabe. I didn't want to think the worst, but it was in fact, the worse.


"W-What happened to him?" I ask I we stand in boys locker room, standing over a familiar boy laying on the ground groaning in pain. I was sure that I definitely knew him, but he looked sick.

Then it came back to me. It was Edgar, I knew him freshman year.....

"Who knows, but he poses a threat to us. We have to get rid of him." Monroe says, and I look at Gabe.

"No! W-We need to-to call someone." I say, feeling my throat close. He didn't deserve this.

"He's a werewolves Nolan." Said Gabe. I clench my jaw, and look up at him. That word. Its trigger, he knew that.

"Gabe's showing his loyalty Nolan." Monroe says, and I felt my stomach drop, heart race.

Gabe kills him.

"So, you'll kill any supernatural?" I ask, squeezing my palms. When I finally let out air to breathe, Gabe approaches me.

"We'll kill anyone that stands in our way." Says Gabe, and I feel my throat close again.

"That's right, Gabe." She says, and then passes me a pocket knife.

"Has everyone been tested?" Asked Monroe. Gabe sighs, then looks at me.

"A few freshman were missed...Nolan did you get Beth-" But, before he could finish I interrupt him.

"Yea. Yea, I-uh got her at lunch...Before Mccall." I say, and Monroe looks at me.

"Scott Mccall?" Asked Gabe, and I clear my throat.

"His father. So, if you see him around school don't tell him anything." Monroe says to Gabe, and he nods. "Right" Gabe says, and Monroe looks down at her phone, before leaving.


Gabe, and I stand in the locker room for a moment in silence. Until Gabe turns to me.

"So, was she supernatural?" Asked Gabe. I'm a little thrown off by his question, so I ask him "who".

"Beth. Did she pass the test?" He asked, making sure to look me in the eyes. It was a tactic Monroe taught him.

"No...I-I mean yes she passed the test...No, she's not supernatural....surprisingly." I say, and he raises an eyebrow.

"You were friends with Beth, right?" He askes, and I tremble.

"Yea, when we were younger....a long time ago." He looks at me, and says "Last year you guys were-" He prepares to say, but I stop him.

"I-I know. But, we aren't- she's different now. But, not supernatural." I say, and Gabe huffs.

"Monroe.....She doesn't give out many chances, Nolan. And she already suspects that you're aren't 100% loyal-....I'd be careful, that's all." He says, and I fearfully nod.

This was a warning.....I could've told the truth about Beth. But, I didn't. Why? 

Deep down, did I believe her when she said "I'm not the enemy?" Or were these instincts, and feelings from something else?

Whatever the case, Monroe didn't believe my loyalty...And after seeing what they did to Edgar, I didn't want to be next.

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