My belief

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"A girl who's home is the church."

They call me Isabella.
For I am faithful and devoted to God.

Not many people come by the church.
That's 'cuz people in my town believe that only sinners go to church with the purpose of reconciling with God.

Believing that they have done no wrong, the church remained empty.

But I, I was put there and I never had the intention of leaving. For God was my Father and the church was my home.

I sweep the floors and change the altar flowers.

One day, while I was carrying out my duties, an angry mother's voice suddenly rang through my quiet home.

In her tight grasp was a boy my age with tatted arms.

She left him there.

Upon never seeing this before, I stepped closer to the boy who was fuming and sat at his side.

"What happened?" I asked.

He ignored me. And so I asked again.

He folded his arms to his chest then took a look at me.

Suddenly, his cloudy eyes cleared and revealed a soft blue. He stared at me before finally speaking.

"I take drugs. Mother's sick of me wasting her cash. So she threw me her." he answered coldly.

I nodded, stood up, and left, continuing with my duties.

He left that evening.
But to my surprise, came back the next week.

I approached and asked him what he was doing here again. To which his cold tone turned warmer and replied that he was there to get away from his broken home and that he was there to see me.

I refused, knowing he could stray me away from my Father and my beloved home.

I never heard from him since.

Five years passed.

I woke up that day, seeing a young man wearing a long sleeved white shirt, kneeling in front of the altar.

I watched him.
He got up and turned around to face me.

And there was the boy that previously had no faith in God, standing in front of me.

He smiled sweetly at me.
I have never seen him do so.

He walked towards me and offered me a single white rose.

"I got you this rose five years ago. I didn't want to give it to you because you rejected me. So i left it on my bedside table as a reminder of you."

He paused and handed me the rose.

"The rose never wilted. It's petals stayed as white and pure as before. I soon realised that this rose, was you and that God was sending me this sign. I started believing in God from that day onwards."

I found my self married to him 7 years later.


Her POV...

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