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After one weak

At MM Now  no one  deny  Swara to spent her time with Sanskar or to go taking  him anywhere . Because now they trust on Swara and mainly they are seeing a drastic improvement in Sanskar's condition after Swara's arrival . So every morning and evening,  Swara goes  taking Sanskar outside for a walk. And now both enjoy each other company.

In this whole week swasan have come very close to each other. They spent their most of time together. Swara also like his company because like her Sanskar is also a chatter box who loves to chatting always . And moreover in majority cases their liking and disliking are also same . They both  love to icecream crazily  but  every flavour not a special one . As a kid, Sanskar choices every flavour .  But when it comes to  Swara then she gives  a logic  for her choice .  She thinks when we love someone we accept him with his all flaws and perfection like that when we love something how we will choose it by some flavour or by some brand. For this only she loves her favourite ice-creams in every flavour .

According before schedule, Sekher and Sumi will come at MM to fix the Swara's alliance with Sanskar. Today Maheswari 's chaplain ( kul guru, so now onwards I will use guru ji instead of chaplain ) will also come to fix a marriage date for swasan.

Afternoon at MM

All are busy their own work because today Sanskar 's marriage date will fix with Swara. But one person was seeing all this confusingly. And that person is none other than Ragini. Till now she hasn't known anything about swasan marriage. Today also she hasn't known that her parents are coming her inlaws house .

After one hour Sekher and Sumi reached in MM. Seeing  her parents before on her eyes,  Ragini became surprised and she rushed towards them . She just hugged her parents. She wasn't believing on her eyes . Her parents have stood in front of her eyes.

Ragini: ( in a surprising voice )Maa, papa how did you come here? I mean  You didn't have informed me about it .

Laksh: ( come near her and hugged her in sidewise) because I told them don't tell you about this. I was wanting to see your happiness  when you will see your parents in front of your eyes . And For this only I made this surprise plan. And  now see I am seeing  this bright smile on your face. ( Ragini slightly blushed on her complement ) You liked it.

Ragini:( Happily said when rested her head on Laksh chest ) I loved it Laksh . Thank you for this surprise.

Where Sekher and Sumi are happy  seeing her daughter's happiness. But what about Swara. When they thought about it a sadness was covering to their hearts.

Maheswaris welcomed Sekher and Sumi inside the MM whole heartedly. Other side Sumi was searching Swara but didn't find to see her

Sumi: Ragini, where is Swara. From when I have come here I am not seeing her. She hasn't in home.

Ragini: No mom she hasn't in home. She has been outside with Sanskar. She didn't know that na today you and papa will come here . If she knows about it then she never goes outside.

Sumi:( said in a fake smile) ya I know.

Ragini:( said happily unknown the seriousness of the matter) you know mom nowadays I am feeling Swara is loving Sanskar more than me. She is spending most of her time with Sanskar. Now I am feeling she hasn't come here for me but She has come here for Sanskar. Now I am really jealous  on Sanskar who has  snatched my lovely sister from me.

After listened Ragini 's talk Sumi wasn't understanding what she should react on Ragini's talk . She should laugh or cry. Her chain of thoughts broken when Sujata called her because their kul guru has been reached in MM. After took blessings from their kul guru they sat on sofa where MM ladies are busy to serving their guests.

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