5 am.....(Carter)

29 3 22

The people above my apartment are partyers they sure do love to party. Maybe one day if I complain enough tell get kicked out, but I could end up with even nicer majors so I keep to myself. I fell asleep pretty early that and the people up stairs i guess was the combination of why i woke up so early. I mean, who wakes up so early in the morning.

I decided to get a head start to my day so i decided to go for a run. I opened my door and there on the stairs was a girl, but not just any girl the girl from the book store who wakes up so early in the morning. She looked at me for a second as we made eye contact then continued down the stairs. She totally remembers me, I waited about 5 minutes before I left so I would have to talk to her. Then I continued on my run I wade around central park when I see her she stopped me and asked I was the guy from the bookstore, I nodded, then asked if she lived in the apartment building I nodded what floor I held up three fingers. Jeez I felt like I was playing a game of charades

I jogged for a little while longer then i turned back, I felt bad for not saying anything so I decided to head up to the 5th floor and say hi.

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