The Meeting (Kerensa)

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I went to the book store like I useally do on saturdays at 3 pm. It's the least populated at this time which is ideal for reading. I went in like usal and I said hi to the people that I recognise. After this I went to the romance section to pick out a new book, then I saw someone I didn't recognise. It was a boy, he was your typical but not so typical teenage new york guy. I guess I got distracted because I ran head on into a shelf and dropped everything. I felt like such a cluts. 

Next thing I know the boy is at my side helping me pick up the book I've collected. He doesn't say anything, he just gather up the ones he can and adds them to the ones I'm already holding.  I look up at him "thanks" I said slightly embarrased. He nods and smiles. I stand up and he stands up, we both awkwardly stand in silence for a moment. I look down at my books when I notice something odd about my hand. There was a red ribbon around my pinky, I also felt a strong pull to this boy. I glanced at his hands and I noticed that they were connected by the ribbon!

I was shocked to say the least. Just like that he left and the ribbon was gone from my heand. Was it just my eyes playing tricks on me? I'm really not sure. I eventually checked out all the books I wanted and I walked outside of the book store. I wish I could say it was peceful, but that would be lying. The streets were crowded with people and the roads werer filled with cars, new york is really anything but peaceful. 

I sigh, I walk to my apartment building and I went up to my room, floor 5 and room number 16. I unlock the door and I walk inside. It's a small place, but it's home. I went into the kitchen and I got myself some food, it was nothing fancy, but a PBnJ. After I ate I put on my PJs and layed in bed reading until nightfall. It would of been normal but I could't stop thinking about that boy, who was he? why did I see a ribbon connecting us? and most impostant, will I ever see him again?

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