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  "Its about time we got to know each other." Michael grins, his eyes crinkling at the corners. That sentence sounded oddly creepy. "I'm Michae-"

"I know your name." I fidget slightly, laughing nervously.

"But i'm doing this the traditional way. Don't be rude." He tries to be serious, but I can see him smiling.

"Ok, so?"

"I'm Michael. You are?"


There's silence, as a waitress approaches us, obviously to see what we wanted.

"Hello, welcome to Applebees!"

For once, we were someplace different. Applebees.

"I'm your waitress! Maria!" Her over-cheerful front was obnoxious, obviously fake. Something they had to do to please customers, to make Applebees seem cheerful, and happy. "What may I help you with today? What would you like?" She smiles wider than I thought possible, her petunia pink lipstick creasing.

"Mountain dew."

"Mountain dew." Michael and I said simultaneously.

"Two mountain dews?" She smiles wider.

"Two." Michael confirms

Once she was gone, he turns back to me. "Favorite color? I can't really decide."

"Me either."


"It's around Christmas. Nowhere near now."

We continued like that, asking simple questions, that didn't really give away much about our lifes. I didn't mind. I wasn't willing to tell anymore than Michael was going to tell me. You give what you want back. And despite me wanting to know more about him, I didn't want him to know much about me.

Maria comes back to take our orders, and then questions if we would like anything else. I was about to say no, when Michael leaned forward, and whispered something into her ear.

"It is?!?" She exclaims, casting a knowing look at me. "We will be right back out!"

He whispers something else.

"Oh, I promise!" She smiles once again, and after reaching up to adjust her ponytail, is gone again.

He looks at me, the look a mix of smugness, and excitement.

"What did you do?"

"You'll see." He narrows his eyes, and smiles a little knowing smile. That prick. That's when the singing started.

"Happy Birthday to you!"

A cluster of waitresses and waiters came rushing out of the kitchen, all grinning, while claping. Heading straight towards me.

And now I know what he did.

"Michae-" I started to warn, only to be cut off by the ecstatic workers.

"Happy birthday!"

Michael is laughing loudly, proud his plan worked out.

The singing stops, all the workers looking at me expectantly. I'm sure the usual reaction for this  isn't anger.

"Um... Its not even my birthday." I say.

"I'm sure!" Maria laughs loudly, trying to humor me.

"I hate you Michael."


"At least you got free ice cream." He points out, taking a bite of the ice cream he had been talking about, my ice cream.

"Its not as if I don't mind buying my own ice cream. Which I would have done if you hadn't said it was my birthday. Plus, I get free ice cream."


He is still eating my ice cream, which I had given up on already, so I didn't really mind.

"I work at an ice cream place. Weekdays. So tomorrow."

"I didn't know that! See? You learn a new thing each day!" He jokes.

"Idiot," I scoff, laughing. "But I need to go home. I better go."

After saying our goodbyes, I walked out of the brightly lit restaurant, bracing myself for the lonely walk ahead of me. Instead, I am accompanied by Michael, who had rushed out in a hurry. "I'm walking with you," he explains.

We continued talking, still, it didn't seem very substabtial things to know about eachother.

"Favorite movie?" I ask him.

"Can't decide. I like Frozen a lot." (In this michael is a cute cuddly idiot and he likes frozen and swimming lol ok) "Yours?"

"I don't really watch movies a lot. I don't have the time. I love Camp Rock. As stupid as that sounds. But I haven't seen Frozen yet. Is it good?"

He pretends to be surprised, gasping dramatically, and placing his hands on his cheeks. "Of course it's amazing! You have to see it. You should come over to my house. I got it on dvd."

"Is this because I'm hot?" I joke, knowing fully I'm not.

"Of course!"  he does an over exagerrated wink, and I notice where we are. Near where I'm staying. Not my house. I won't ever call it that. This is temporary.

"Where do you live?'

"Just down the street from you." We continue walking. "Right about... Here!" He points to a house about two houses away from Dave's. The one with the swimming pool. It all made sense. he did say he was swimming. Figures. "How about tomorrow? Around night though. I'm busy."

I was busy too, but I didn't say that. "With what?'

"I work for my dad. Remember?"


"I have work anyways. But I'll see if Dave doesn't care if I go." We were outside Dave's house now.

"Who's dave?"

"My dad." The curtians are pushed aside, and I catch a glimpse of Myrcella. Shit?

"I really have to go. Thanks Michael. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?'


"Bye!" I run as fast as I could inside, hoping to run upstairs, but to no luck.

"Who was that?'



the end was written sorta fast but hey an update!!! i say this too much but we are finally getting somewhere and hopefully michael and macey can have the secks

um i write another michael clifford story? it's called new york, and you should check it out!! :-)

love you al, vote, fan, and comment!!


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