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My eyes dart frantically around.  felt nauseous almost, and enclosed. Where they really going t o have the nerve to get angry at me?

"Macy, you run around the town, wearing barely any clothes. You need self control."

Self control? Since when does he care? He never has bothered to contact me, and when he does, he thinks he has the right to be completely immature about it? Or act as if he's suddenly the father of the year for yelling at me when I wear a tank top.

"Or self respect? That too." My, sadly, dad adds.

How did I not respect myself? It's called self respect for a reason.

"Dave," I clench my eyes shut. I don't bother calling him 'Dad'. He has never been a father to me. "Ripped skinny jeans does not mean I'm barely wearing any clothing."

"Rips! Rips in the thighs!"

Dear god.

I find myself rolling my eyes.

"And your hair! It's ridiculous! Doesn't your mother watch you?" His voice raises slightly.

"No!" I wanted to scream. Ever since he left her, her door has stayed shut. She never really bothered anymore, she just stayed in her room, not caring. Neither has he cared. He never called, never did anything. Didn't pay child support. He just got a new family, as if we were never enough for him. But one day, he had too show up, and insist i was going to spend a weekend with him, and his new wife. He told me he already cleared it with my mother.

If that's true, I'm glad they can just discuss this stuff about me. Without telling me.

"Yes Dave." I wrinkled my nose. I pressed my forehead up against the cold car window, staring outside, watching the grey earth unfold before me. He couldn't just leave me alone?

"You need to do something about your hair. Tell you what, later tonight, me and Myrcella can take you to the store, and we'll buy some Brown hairdye, your original shade. It'll look pretty again. You'll like that, right?" My breath hitched. What?!?

I furrowed my eyebrows and had difficulty breathing. How i felt earlier when he wouldn't leave me alone was nothing compared to this. How could he say that?

"No." I say firmly, shaking my head. "No. I like my hair. Dave, just leave me... Alone. Please." The last bit came out in a whisper. This probably would be a small problem to a normal person. A small problem, and not worrying at all. But when he says something, he means it. My hair is a part of who i am, what i am! He couldn't do this to me. "Just can we go?" I keep whispering. I didn't know what else to say. I was upset. I was also probably over reacting.

My mind drifts to the other night. With Michael. He's an intriguing person, no doubt about that.After answering his unusual question, he plopped himself right beside me, and sat there. We talked about whatever we could, on the lawn, damp from the settling dew drops, just getting to know eachother. Despite all the questions, i still barely knew anything about him.

Dave is silent, driving faster than he probably should on these icy roads. Muttering things such as "ridiculous" and "hideous hair" whilst doing so.

He pulled into a large winding driveway, pulling up to a magnificent house. How could he let me and mom live in that small house, how could he not bother to help at all, while he lived here?!?

Before the car even stopped, i was out of the car, and storming into the house.

I spot Myrcella, (what kind of name is Myrcella?!?), running a cloth over the granite counters. "Where's the bathroom?" I questioned the young blonde.

"Down the hallway. First door." She chirps. I hate her so much! She's everything my mom isn't, young, pretty, nice. If it wasn't for her, my dad wouldn't have ditched me.

The bathroom is nice, nicer than I've ever seen, and it isn't that hard to find a razor. My heart leaps into my throat as i lean against thedoor, debating whether or not i should do this.

I plug in the device, and With the room spinning, i start shaving the straightened locks.

The sink is full of the pastel strands by the time I'm done.

At least he can't yell at me anymore.


some ppl were confused by this?? anyways she was mostly bein immature and trying 2 make her dad mad oo  teenage rebellion

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