Chapter 40

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"Mr Malfoy, the Ministy is doing everything they can," McGongall said with a stern tone, watching as Draco continued to pace the length of the Headmaster's office.

His response was immediate and, in less than a second, Draco approached the desk and slammed both hands down on the wooded surface, "It's not enough!"

"Mr Malfoy, I would advise that you calm down," McGonagall told him, softening the tone of her voice ever so slightly, "The Ministry has given me their word that Hermione Granger's life is their top priority."

But, still, Draco wasn't satisfied. He shook his head, slamming his fist into the table again, "My father is the only reason that the Ministry is involved! They don't care about Hermione's safety!"

"Mr Malfoy, that's quite enough," McGonagall snapped, instantly silencing the platinum blonde haired boy.

Draco made an attempt to argue with the older witch, but he quickly silenced himself and took a seat in one of the chairs opposite the chair in which McGonagall had seated herself. The older witch watched Draco with a  blank expression before leaning back in her chair with a small sigh.

"Mr Malfoy, I understand how frustrating this situation is for you and I doubt there's a single person in this school that couldn't sympathise with you," McGonagall explained calmly. "However, the Ministry has given me their word that they will return Miss Granger safely, regardless of your father's involvement."

"Professor, please..." Draco began, only to find himself being silenced again.

Blaise, who'd been standing quietly in the corner of the room, placed a hand on Draco's shoulder as he spoke to the Headmistress, "I believe what Draco is trying to say is that he is sorry for disturbing you, Professor, and that he won't do it again."

"Like hell I won't," Draco scoffed.

Blaise took a hurried step back and held his hands up in surrender, "Alright, mate, it's your call."

Draco glanced over his shoulder at his friend, "Didn't you just make the decision for me?"

"Draco, come on," Blaise laughed. "Since when has listening to me ever been a good idea?"

McGonagall cleared her throat, "Boys, I suggest that the two of you remove yourselves from my office and, rest assured, I will inform you of any developments."

Draco and Blaise glanced at each other, but didn't move.

McGonagall sighed, "Any time today, boys."

Realisation crossed the boys' faces and they made their way over to the door, leaving the Headmistress's office without another word. As they walked through the castle halls, Draco found himself caught up in a game of Twenty Questions with a very anxious Blaise.


The blonde boy sighed tiredly, "Yes, Blaise?"

"Did you and Hermione ever..."

Draco grabbed Blaise's arm, forcing him to stop and face him. The blonde boy frowned, "Ever what?"

"You know," Blaise tried to explain himself again. "Did you two ever..."

"Blaise, I'm many things, but telepathic is not one of them," Draco told his friend as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Either speak now or forever hold your peace."

Surprisingly, Blaise shook his head, "It doesn't matter."

"Clearly it does."

"Oh yeah?"


Blaise frowned, "And what gives you that idea."

"You've tried to ask me the same question more than once, Blaise!" Draco snapped, "Now, either you ask me or we forget about it."

"Fine!" Blaise retorted, "You want to know my question - fine! But, bare in mind, I stopped myself from asking the first two times because I didn't want to hurt you."

Draco groaned in annoyance, "Just ask me the damn question!"

"Alright, I will," Blaise said simply. "Did you and Hermione ever do anything?"

Draco frowned, "Define 'anything'."

"Sexual," Blaise replied before rephrasing his question. "Did you and Hermione ever do anything sexual?"

Draco froze.

Was Blaise really asking him this?

He looked up at his best friend, who was staring back at him with guilt displayed clearly on his face - could he really answer that question? The truth was that he and Hermione had in fact done something sexual, but it was only once and she had forbidden him to talk about it with anyone else.

Draco had never really been sure why it had only happened once, but Hermione made her opinions of that night perfectly clear - it wouldn't be happening again. Even when he'd asked her about it a few days after it had happened, she told him the same thing she would continue to say each time he continued to ask: "Draco, please, not right now."

"Draco?" Blaise placed a hand on the blonde boy's shoulder.

But, much to Blaise's surprise, Draco shrugged his hand off. Blaise watched as his best friend took a few steps back before turning and running off down the corridor in the opposite direction of the Head Prefects Common Room.

The fact that Draco had ran off didn't bother Blaise; it was something that he'd seen countless times before. However, there was something different about it this time - something that had never occurred before.

As Draco back away from him, Blaise noticed something - something he'd only ever seen on one or two rare occasions. He was crying.

There was no denying what he'd seen, especially since it was difficult for Draco himself to deny. The question Blaise had asked had struck a nerve inside Draco - a nerve that had only ever been struck once before.

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