Chapter 29

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"Hermione!" Blaise squealed as he ran through the Great Hall towards the Gryfindor table, waving his arms around like an idiot.

The curly haired girl looked up and chuckled at the sight. He sat down in front of her and shoved an envelope in her face. She took it from him and laughed.

"What is it?" She asked passing the Slytherin a cup of water, to help him catch his breath.

"M-Mcgonnagall gave it to m-me." Blaise panted before taking a huge gulp of water.

"Why do I need it? She gave it to you!"

"It's from Draco."

Hermione looked from Blaise to the letter then back up at Blaise, who chuckled at her reaction.

"Well go on then!" He urged gesturing to the envelope. "Open it!"

"Is this a joke? Because it's no very funny." The Gryfindor huffed as she slid her plate away from her.

"No, honest, it's not a joke!" He turned the envelope over and showed her the handwriting. "Do you really think I could write like that?"

The Gryfindor smiled before ripping open the letter. There were two separate letters: one addressed to Blaise, the other to Hermione.

She handed Blaise his letter, but he put it to one side and waited for Hermione to read hers. She sighed and read it aloud, so Blaise could hear.


How are things? It's been a while, I know. But I hope my absence hasn't been too hard on you!

McGonagall tells me that Blaise has been looking after you for a couple of days. Which actually surprised me to start off, but the more I thought about it - the more it assured me you were in good hands!

From what I have been told, the nurses here have made little progress on finding the cause of my unusual condition. I think they're calling in a muggle-born to make an analysis, but from what I've been told, the nurses here have made little progress on finding the cause of my unusual condition.

Try not to worry too much about me, I am fine. Honest!

Love Draco.

Hermione smiled weakly at the letter, taking in everything Draco had told her. Calling in a Muggle-born? Why would they need do that? Madame Pompfry herself said that St. Mungo's was full of highly experienced nurses, so why can't they determined the cause of his partial memory loss?

"Well that was..." Hermione sighed as she took a sip of her drink.

"Odd." Blaise finished, earning a puzzled look from the Gryfindor.

"I was going to say vague, but you seem to have noticed something I didn't."

The Slytherin cleared his throat and thought something over in his head before speaking up. "I agree with you about the vague thing - Draco has never been one for giving as little detail as possible, except from..."

"When he's hiding something." Hermione concluded finally grasping on to what Blaise had pointed out. "But why would he do that?"

"Ah! Well! You see, I don't think he was hiding anything."

"Blaise, you're confusing me - and that's saying something!" The curly haired girl placed her head in her hands. "Explain your reasoning."

"Read the letter again. Do you notice anything, say, odd?" He watched as she picked up the parchment and read the letter again.

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