Chapter 8

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I assumed that when I would wake up it would be in the Mikaelson's home. Of course, Kol had been there when I had been knocked out.

When I woke up it was from a nightmare and a blonde woman as shaking me as I came to realization that my nightmare's were indeed back.

My nightmares were horrible, they were frightening. They always ended the same.


My body was covered in sweat from a nightmare as my body emerged from a beautiful and large bed. I gracefully hopped off the bed and decided to put my large dress on.

It was grand, beautiful, magnificent.
The dress was red, like blood, crimson. No one could mistake it.

I slipped on my boots and pulled the bottom of my dress out, so it would cover my shoes.

I walked out of my room and down a candle lit hallway even though the sun was rising in the early dawn of the morning.

I made my way to a large room with a throne. I made my way to the large chair and sat in it as I waited for Frederick to come.

I heard a loud shuffle of feet and smirked as I knew who it was. I had forbid tardiness.

Tardiness, being late, is not a good example.

"Queen Clara, I'm sorry,..almost late!" Frederick wheezed out as he tried to gain his breath. I clapped my hands and giggled.

I wouldn't be able to when the rest of the staff came.

"Why in a rush, dear Fredrick?" I asked playfully.

He looked at me panicked, terrified, scared.

"They're coming, there will be no peace or treaty. They are on their way now. They will savage our whole kingdom until every last building and brick is pried and burned from our hands" he said serious.

I slammed my hand in anger as I came to the realization that they were coming. My father had done so well before me. He was strong but I, I was just a mere woman his daughter, but I myself could not hold to his legacy.

My father beat the opposing kingdom, Marendelle. Their ruler was called, Aaron the great. He was not great, him and his men slaughtered a whole kingdom. They killed all the men merciless, raped the woman and enslaved the children. It was vile, that kingdom. They were savages, wild beasts.

I could never wrap my finger on how they were still alive. They were crazy the lot of them. And now they dare attack my kingdom. I was not a murderer, but I was the protector of my kingdom. My people, I was their only chance. To restore ourselves once again.

"Frederick, is the army ready for attack!" I yelled as I bolted out of my seat.

"Follow me, now!" Frederick said.

I obliged and scurried down the hall right on his tail.

"You must hide, if they overcome our army they will look for you. They will search everywhere for you" he said.

" What if they don't overcome our army, then what?" I asked.

" I promised your father that I would protect you and I'm going to keep that promise" he said stubbornly.

I grabbed him and tightly hugged him. He smiled at me and let go of me.

"Where am I to hide, they will search everywhere?" I asked questionly.

"You must leave into the forest and do not come back until everything is clear to come back. Check in a weeks time" he said.

I will not survive in the forest for a week.

"Go!" Frederick screamed.

I grabbed my shawl and ran down all the way into the stables. I got on my horse, Beauty.

I kicked and she went full speed through the grass as we made our way to the forest. She whipped through the bushes as I held on for dear life. I hoped I would survive this.

Two days later

I had been alone for two days. In the distance as I fled I felt regret. All my people would they be safe?

The answer to that I didn't know.

When hungry, I had ate berries and mint leaves in the forest. I made sure they were not poisonous or I would die.

Dying from a poisonous berry would be a rather stupid way to die.

I trekked through the never ending forest with Beauty in tow. She neighed as I sung.

Beauty was my only friend that I could trust. I found myself as a child ranting to her about my problems. I had been awkward as a child which didn't help me make friends, it only did the opposite.

I remember my mother comforting me when I would cry when the children in the castle did not want to play with me.
They taunted and teased me and called me names. I find it rather silly now because I had been a rather sensitive child. Those children do not bother me now and they don't affect my life now either.

I hummed I song as I came across a net. It was hanging in the air and I stopped dead in my tracks. I heard a shout and an army stepped out.

They pointed their weapons at me as a large man came to me. I could not run now, I was found. The one thing that I was running from found me. I ran right into it, or rather walked into it.

"My, my, you are a rather beautiful creature? Ruling that kingdom by yourself on that big throne. I'd love to join you in that throne?" He asked smugly.

I scowled and said," No, you tyrant. You will never rule my kingdom. My kingdom, I tell you. You disgusting beast. You kill people for your own amusement and find joy in it. You are the devil!" I screamed at him.

He grabbed me and pulled me flush against his chest. I could feel his breathe on my neck. It unnerved me, being to this close to the man that killed my father. Cold blood, that what's happened. Killed my father at his weakest moment, while he was sleeping. I'm sure it was a quick and painful death but it should have never happened.

"You my darling, must think you're something? Escape from now is pointless. If you run, I will kill you. I will not hesitate, my darling," he said.

I tested his restraints on my arms and pulled forward for him to pull me back.

I have to fight with fire from now on.

Three days later

I laid in bed as I gurgled for air. I couldn't breathe. There was blood, the death of me. I was dying.

I think I was as I tried to keep my eyes open. Aaron had killed me. My father died the same way. Pathetic really, how stupid I had been. You would think that your life would flash before your eyes but it didn't, I could only think about staying alive. But soon my body would betray me.

You see it's funny because right as I died I could see my body. Lifeless.

I watched as a guard banged on the door. He kicked it until it flung open. Aaron and the guard rushed to my bed. Aaron screamed as he flailed my body. I didn't understand why he was screaming and crying.

" I was going to make them suffer on my terms!" He screamed.

"My little sister, I'm sorry for the things I said. I didn't kill father. My half brother Frances did. I will find the person who killed you and and kill them" he sobbed as he held my body. In death I found a comforting silence.

A bright light appeared before me and I walked towards it. Right as I stepped in it, it turned dark, and I knew I had been fooled.

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