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Underwater, what makes underwater so different is it because of the way the light touches your skin or how weightless everything seems to seem. I don't know but when I saw her underwater it was like seeing her for the first time. 

It was our graduation party, of course we as an entire batch were chilling and having fun before heading off to our different colleges and paths for the future. I was hanging out with my friends from my class as we ate our buffet style lunch of assorted meals, rice, junk food and drinks. That was when I saw her walk in the pool area, I seen her so many times during the school year and the year before and I considered an acquaintance because she was in a different class we didn't get to talk much. She was wearing shorts and a black T-shirt, no doubt she planned to swim in that attire. She looked over to me, waved and smiled then focused back to her group of friends as did I.

It was around 3 o'clock when we started swimming in the pool, it was a large pool and I stayed in the shallow part because most of my friends were not good swimmers. This was around the time when she caught my attention again, there she was at the deep end of the pool performing flips and dives into the pool,

 "Damn." I thought to myself 

"This girl's got style."

She wasn't alone though, many of the more athletic crew were with her so my attention was divided amongst all of them.

The sun was starting to set when the rest of my friends got tired and decided to head back to their seats. So I was alone and I dived into the water towards the deep end, it was noisy with music, laughter and general shouting on the surface but underwater there was nothing but peace and quiet. Though it was perfectly clear, the water gave just enough visibility to see at least what was 5 meters ahead of me.

I was nearly at the end of the pool when I noticed a figure underneath me, all the way down on the pool floor, the pool by this part was at least 6ft deep and I realised it was a girl, her hair was floating around her face and arms were stretched out as feet just nearly touched the floor. I was about to go down to grab her up to the surface when her head suddenly shot up and she pushed against the floor with a lot force propelling her to the surface with quite a speed.

I also surfaced and I approached the girl. It was the girl I was talking about earlier, Charlotte.

"Adam!" she called me 

"What were you doing, Charlotte?"

"Just meditating."

We were nearly face to face now, both of us struggling to get out heads out of the water.

"Do you want to try?" she asks

I try to shrug

She grabs my hands and tells me to breath out to get to the bottom

We both take a deep breath and dive underwater, we swim in a circular motion to get to pool's floor.

When we get there I closed my eyes and blew out bubbles from my mouth, I reached out to find Charlotte's hands and I hold on to them. When I had no oxygen left I focused on the realisation of quietness, she was right it was therapeutic. I opened my eyes and I saw her, I really saw her. Her face became a ballroom for dancing shadows and her hair moved rhythmically around her face. Her eyes were closed as well, then I felt her hands tighten around mine , I look back at her and I don't know what compelled me to do so but I let go of her one hand and I placed my hand on her cheek.

She looked up, startled then slowly she smiled.

She leaned in closer to me and I took that as my signal.

I closed the gap and I kissed her 

We both pushed up to the surface holding on to each other's arms breathless and smiling.

Something about being underwater makes everything seem so new and exciting

and romantic.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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