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I stepped into a jeepney, yellow was its colour. The inside was half empty, just some children and their mother. I sat in the middle and passed my pamasahe to driver. I told  him my destination and he quickly handed me my change as the inside quickly filled.  I sat quietly in my place, I took out a book I was half-way done reading and I let myself be lost in its words as the jeepney started moving. The jeepney was cruising full speed when it happened. A flash of harsh bright light blinded my eyes for a second distracting me from my book. I looked up as did the rest of the passengers to what had made that light. It was you. Well not you, but your camera which was still stuck on your rapidly reddening face. Still directed at its subject, me. You looked so embarrsed I guess you forgot to turn off the flash? I guess it was your luck that I too was a photographer. I remeber smiling apolegetically and reaching out to borrow  your camera. You slowly let the camera slide down to reveal your face and your face. It was framed by thick black glasses hiding such intellient eyes, your skin still progressively turning red was obviously pale. I quickly took your camera to not get distracted anymore than I already was. I instead focused on the photo, it was of me intently reading my book I immediately understood why you took my picture if it were me in you place I would have done the same, it's a shame really it should have worked, it should have been quite the picture but the flash ruined everything. My angles were weird and the lighting was harsh. I looked up and you wouldn't meet my eyes opting the metallic floor instead. I quickly switched places and sat by your side you were admittedly startled but stayed silent anyway. I told you that it could have been a nice photo if the flash hadn't ruined it. You smiled and apologized. Then I took a leap I asked if you could try again without the flash of course. Again you looked startld but you agreed and so I sat again at my side but this time I pretended to read my book until I heard the click of a camera. You handed me your camera and I smiled, it was perfect. Since I knew oppurtunities for amazing photos were rare and fleeting I gave  you back your camera while reaching into my bag and my own camera. While you marveled at your picture I readied my camera and focused on you. You smiled down at your photo and for a moment you looked up at me smile and all and I took your photo. No flash. For the third time you were starteld but this time you grinned, a blinding grin. This time I was startel,  you reached out to take my camera to see your photo.

"May I?"

You asked. I gave you my camera.

Suddenly I was nervous the critic becomes the critiqued.

You smiled and said


I smiled and held your into your stare. I could get lost in your dark dark eyes.

 I wonder what the other passengers thought of our situation. Two odd children taking pictures of people they don't know.

I looked out and realized that I was nearing my destination. I called out "Para, po!" I gave you a passing smile and glance as I made my exit. I closed my eyes as my body adjusted to the change from a claustrophobic metal area to wide expanse of noisy traffic and fresh air.

 And then I stupidly realised that  I don't know your name.

I turned around half-expecting to see the vehicle leaving but instead I saw your smiling face.

"This is my stop too." You told me. You pushed your hair out of your eyes and again you wouldn't meet my gaze. You looked nervous like you were unsure on what your next move would be, but you looked at me and you sighed.

You held out your hand.

"Oliver, and yours?"


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