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Time went on and so did our friendship, the kind that always seemed frozen in time.

A few months after, the duo that was Hoseok and I was back in action; and better than ever.

Like now, we were in a campus union together, studying for a Chemistry exam.

I was laughing, throwing back my head.

"I know for a fact that that isn't how you solve this equation." I said, shaking my head with a grin.

"Yeah, but life would be easier if you could just do it like that, right?" He retorted with humor.

I looked up from my work, and we both smiled for a second.

"Well, I'm getting a coffee, you want something?"

"Iced americano."

"Got it." I winked.

"One second," I heard from behind the counter once I approached. A few moments later a guy popped up from under.

"Sorry, I've been organizing ingredients all morning. What can I get for you?" He smiled, his eyes forming a crescent.

I told him our order and payed, and once he was done he handed the drinks to me.

"Thank you." I said and turned to leave.

"Wait, did you know there are other forms of gratitude as well?"


"Like... your number possibly?" He said, tilting his head a little. "I can hear your jokes from here and they've have been making me laugh all morning. I promise I have a few you'd like as well. I mean, if he isn't your boyfriend or anything.."

I turn to Hoseok and catch his expression. I saw a hint of something in his eye, but he turned around to quick to me to notice what.

"No, no he's not..."

"Great!" He smiled, and surprisingly, so did I.

I Don't Love Him | hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now