Chapter 10

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It was some time before dinner. Marcus was right about that. We managed to watch all the entertainers do their performances. I found a few good tricks to try watching the magician.

"So Madeline, Where did you learn to fight like that?" Marcus asked as we looked for someone holding something to drink.

"Here and there I guess. I picked up a few things when I was working at a pub. You'd be surprised how many times drunken fools can get very aggressive and flirtatious. I had to learn something to remind the men to keep their hands to their selves."

"Yeah I bet they didn't attempt anything after you got done with them." Tom laughed. "From what you did to Marcus I can only guess what you did to drunken men who don't know when to quit."

"Actually the men learned very quickly. I think it had to do with the bartender saying they wouldn't get anymore to drink if they kept it up." I lied easily.

"Is that how you met Will because he wouldn't listen to the bartender?" Marcus joked. I laughed along trying to buy time so I could think of something if I needed to explain things to them. Luckily I didn't need to.

Will was coming towards us then. "Speak of the devil." Tom said under his breath.

Will had finally finished greeting everyone to the party. I noticed some of other girls staring at him when he wasn't looking. Some reason that made me laugh because anytime he or the other boys talked to me they gave me a look of pure hatred. I didn't see why but it occurred to me as being funny.

"You have some admirers." I notified Will. He turned around to see what I meant. The girls seem to suddenly get caught up in something else.

"Yeah I get that a lot." He said in an uncaring way.

"I believe that those same girls are giving me dirty looks when you are not paying attention. It's kind of funny too because if they were to get to know you I don't think they would love you so much." I insulted. Marcus and Tom seemed to like that comment.

"Well I think you've make your first enemies here. It didn't take you very long." He shot back.

"Actually I do believe Madame Robson was my first enemy but I can't help it. Apparently I'm better at making enemies then friends. Maybe being around you has made me mean." I pointed out.

Will countered. "I do have that effect on people. They just can't help but make sure they are the closest person to me. They want to be so close to me that they end up making people jealous and hateful."

"I see you have worked your magic on Tom and Marcus because they don't seem to have any other friends." The other boys were about to say something back to me but they got interrupted by an announcement for dinner. We cut our insults short to head for dinner.

At dinner Will sat near the end of the table by his mother and his stepfather. He seemed to grumble at his seating but it only lasted long enough for Aaron to understand. Olivia didn't seem to notice. I got a seat next to Will with Tom next to me. Marcus had to sit across the table near Olivia. He didn't seem upset or too excited about his position.

Dinner started and so did the manners and the talk along with it. I don't know how many times Will had unnoticeably corrected me. He would point to the other fork or motion for me to sit up straight. 

Aaron took the time to ask more about me. "So Lady Madeline, we never got to finish our introductions properly. I never got to learn all that much about you."

"And I you." Even though I knew all I needed to know.

"I'm sorry if I came off a bit aggressive. I hadn't a lot of sleep lately. I just wanted to know more about you." He put his fake smile on again.

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