Chapter 1

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Years later...

The sweat made my fur and clothes cling to my skin, I had just finished my shift in the sweltering hot smelting room. The sweat made me stink, even for a lasat, and it didn't help that I haven't taken a shower in, well, too long to say the least.

"Hey, Andor!" I heard a friendly voice yell, I straightened my aching back and looked behind me at my friend Corik, I've known him for about a year, we met after I traded the last Imperial Labour Camp for this one, I didn't want to move though, I didn't want to be in one, but I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Hey," I responded as I grabbed a tasteless meal bar.

"Where were you?"

"Smelting room." I groaned as I sat on my 'bed'.

"Oh come on,  it's not that, I was there yesterday."

"You!" I scoffed light-hardly "You barely have hair!"

"I have hair all over my body."

"Sure...most your body hair is barely visible, while mine is thick and clearly seen."I ate the last bite of my meal. "But sure, it's just as bad, oh ye of little hair." He elbowed me and I did the same to him. "I ought to go now."

"See you after this shift."

"See ya." I traversed the halls towards the mine when I heard my superior talking.

"What could the Empire possibly need with so much Quadanium?" he asked.

"I'm not allowed to say," someone replied, probably an Imperial Commander or something of those sorts, "But we're going to need some of your strongest." I swallowed, that meant I was probably getting moved again.

"Yes sir, I'll have them ready to move by tomorrow." I heard someone stand up, so I started to run, I didn't want to be caught snooping, or being late.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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