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I sat in the kitchen waiting for the toaster to be done, I was making breakfast for my parents and I, my pa's favorite, Eggo waffles. I didn't have to be up this early, in fact I usually got up after my parents did, but I woke up early and couldn't back to sleep. I put the waffles on the plate just as I heard my Pa coming down, he stopped at the end of the stairs and smiles at me.

"What are you doing up so early kid."

"I couldn't get back to sleep, I made waffles though." My pa chuckled and walked over and sat down, putting his Bo-rifle beside him. "Where's mom?"

"She was tired, Garila was doing a lot for school yesterday, she had to take her too all of them."

"Do you think we can do some training today? I mean, you are leaving for the week today."

"Well you did get up early, and that was kinda the agreement, but..."

"Pa, are you kidding me!?"

"Don't worry, just eat up."I chuckled and gobbled up my waffles.

"Are you sure you have to go back to the palace today? I was hoping you could meet my new friend." pa sighed.

"You know I do, it's part of my Duty as-"

"Captain of the Royal Guard." I finished his sentence, it was cool to have someone in a high position as my pa, but stressful too. "You know mom worries about you while you're gone, right?"

"How can I forget," He laughs, "She reminds me all the time." I smiled, knowing that was true, he finished his waffles and continued. " How about that training?"

I then jumped out of my seat and raced him out side. After a half-an-hour or so, mom called Pa in.

"You have to be going now." She said sadly, once we were in. "I worry about you."

"I'll be fine." He replied, picking up his bo-rifle. "I'll be back next week."

"I know." they hugged each other, pa then left for the Palace. Leaving me to my Mom and sister.

*A few hours later*

"Noooo!" My sister yelled, half laughing she did so. We're playing one of our favorite games, as always Garila was the good guy, and I was the evil monster, we were battling for the lives of many, and naturally, being the good guy, my sister always won.

"Oh no," I said, glancing at a nearby clock. "I promised Dejeo I'd see him today."

My sister sighed, she hated when our game was interrupted, for any reason.


"What is it Andor?"

"Can I visit Dejeo?" My mom came in and looked at me for a second, as if she wasn't sure whether or not I was being sarcastic.

"Fine." she said, "But be home by dark"

I smiled and left our home, a few houses down I turned off the road, to take a short-cut. Soon I reached the Pillar like mountains separating my home from his. I jumped from ledge to ledge until I reached where I could see his town, and jumped down and ran towards it. Before long I was weeding between people and houses until I got to his house.

"Andor!" Dejeo yelled as a came into view, "I thought you weren't coming."

"I'm here, I have to be home by dark though."

"Awww, well, I got the cast off, so we can finally race each other." He smiled, "Race ya to that house?" he said pointing to a house a ways down. He started to run and I followed close behind, Soon I was ahead of him and thus, beat him.

*Unnumbered hours later*

I looked up as the sun started to set.

"I ought to be going."

"Do you have too?"

"Yep, see ya later." I ran off and soon reached the mountain, I peered over at my village, something seemed wrong. I ran to my village and saw some bodies, my people, soon I started to sneak home, I looked into a window and felt sick, they were gone all of them.

"Hey, what are you doing here." I heard someone say behind him, I instantly punched him, and fell to the ground.I took the helmet off and put it on uncomfortably over my ears.

"We finished up at the palace." I heard.

"Are they dead?"

"All of them." I took the helmet off, I couldn't listen any longer, my pa, he's dead too. I realized I'd be gone before long if I stayed, I swallowed back my tears and ran. I saw the imperial shuttle I hid behind some large rocks. I peeked over at it and saw no one is there, they weren't expecting anyone. I ran inside, keeping my scenes around. I was able to lift the bench lid up and hid in the compartment and hoped they wouldn't find me.

I kept quiet, to scared to move as I heard them come in and started to talk to each other.

"Do I smell something?" One asked.

"Eh, Lasat, they probably got some of their scent on us."

"Then why is it stronger when we get away from where we are." I heard him walk towards me. I bit my tongue to help keep me from freaking out. It sadly, didn't help, soon the lid was lifted and the trooper grabbed my arm, tossing me to the middle of the room.

"A stow away?" One said shocked.

"What are we gonna do with him" Said another, with a gruff voice.

"Kill 'em?" Said the shortest one.

"I think we should ask, he's strong, looks young too. He may be of use." the first one said. I felt my face go hot in anger and stepped back, knowing I'd lose if I attacked.

"Yeah," The trooper with the gruff voice concluded. "Let's stick him in the back until we arrive."

"Put your hands up" The short one said. I put my hands one, letting evil win.

Andor OrreliosМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя