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 I didn't feel anything.

It didn't feel right.

I couldn't imagine us together.

I pulled away quickly but he grabbed onto my shirt.


I screamed, trying to stand up.

Before I had chance to run he grabbed my neck and threw me against the cold dirty walls.

I tried to keep the tears from falling, but I couldn't stop them.

'Listen here Hayley.'

His cold tone sent shivers down my spine.

'Don't mess with me, because I can make your life a lot worse than it already is.'

My bottom lip wobbled.

I winced as he grabbed hold of a clump of my hair.

'Now kiss me.'

His rough lips came on to mine, I resisted but received a punch in the gut.

I wrinkled up my nose and slipped down the wall.

As I reached the bottom he held me back up, and slapped my face repeatedly.

Finally I started kissing him back, but my lips were the repelling side of the magnet.

After a while he finally stopped, and a death defying smirk came onto his face.

I felt my side and glared at him.

'Come back tomorrow.'

He whispered, walking out, slamming the door.

I led there crying, wishing I was dead.

I knew he could do a lot worse.

And I knew that he would.

But now I was part of his game.

And there was no way I could escape.

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