Chapter twenty-seven.

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June Apricot
"She's my mother" I forced out and closed my eyes as tears threatened to spill out as I saw this woman and all the harsh memories came rushing.

"Bloody hell, that's your mother!, the...the vicious woman who.....God, what a waste of good looks" She said and I almost chuckled if my blood had not frozen as our eyes made contact.

She had a smirk on her face, I knew she came here for me...or at least she knew she would see me.

I died with every step she took towards me, something in my head said to run but I sat there. I would not run anymore, I spent almost six years running from her. Why would I run again?. I'm a twenty six year old woman.. No way on earth I'm running.

"June" she said immediately she stopped in front of me and I swallowed all my fears. I had none but one feeling for this woman. And it was raw hatred.

"Maya" I called her by her name and her eyes widened. What the heck was she expecting, mum?, mummy?, mama?, mother?...Woman please.

"I see we're on first name basis now. How great is that. So I hear Rosie stepped up your game. Last I heard you were battling real hard with poverty" she said and I looked to Kate's face to see her pale with shock. I know the feeling Kate.

"You've been keeping tabs on me?, why?" I asked feeling insulted.

"Probably to know if you have finally chased your dreams of being a first class whore" Ivor said and Kate stood up and slapped him real hard it drew some attention.

"Don't think you're special or shit, I wish I could hit you to coma right now, but I have what you really lack.. Dignity" she said to Maya and my heart swelled.

"And I see you've finally woven the princess round your pretty fingers. How sad, if only people would see you for the slut you really are" Maya said and I swallowed.

"What else do you want from me, you've taken everything.. And the only reason I'm not pressing charges is because I've decided to start my life over...but now, I'm rethinking, I really use power and influences surrounding me...anything to see you thrown out on the street" I said and she laughed like I was being funny.

"I'm sure you wouldn't laugh the day that happens... Or will you?" Kate said and Maya rolled her eyes.

"What power do you think you have?, what?, have you being sleeping with some top notch guys here?, destroying yourself?, I'm so ashamed to be your mother" she said and I shook my head.

"You're not my're just a passage I passed through while coming to this world. Some unfortunate incidences are totally unavoidable.. And you're one of them. Meeting this bastard is one too" I said looking right at Ivor.

"Don't you dare say that to me!" She growled and it was my turn to laugh.

"What?, you're getting all touchy feely now?" I asked and before she could reply, Rosie arrive, along side her new mother in law.. The Queen.

"Hel....Mrs Apricot?" She said, eyes filling with rage as she sighted Maya. I was expecting Maya to reply but instead she was staring at the Queen, turning white as sheet.

"'re the Queen?" She asked out of breath...I turned to the Queen and she had a shocked look on her face.

"You're... You're alive, oh my God" she said and grabbed a chair.

"Mum, mum are you okay?" Kate said rushing to the Queen's side.. I did too..

"Are you feeling alright ma'am?" I asked together with Rosie and she nodded.

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