Chapter Two

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June Apricot.

"You're still here?" I said as I knocked on the door of room 246 and the breathtaking guy opened again.

"Till Friday, Yeah....So I guess I'll be seeing you everyday" he said and I shrugged as I pushed my stuffs in....My head went off when I realized the room was twice a mess than yesterday.

"Wow Mister.... You're so clean I'm starting to think you're allergic to cleanliness" I said and I picked up the clothes on the floor and threw them into the laundry basket.

"Blame it on having people do it for me while I was growing up" he said and I rolled my eyes... Dumb excuse.

"I had people do it for me while I was growing up too but that doesn't mean I can't clean" I said and I bit my tongue when I realized I had said too much... June Apricot 1.0 version never had people do it for her...its been six years, that should have sank June!.

" had maids while you were growing up?" He asked as if I was saying something out of this world...Idiot, I could bet I was richer than him....note WAS.

" parents" I lied and got to work, hoping he wouldn't say anymore word...You don't always get what you hope for... Well, who Cares if the original quote was wish...Ha!.

"Tell me about your parents" he said sitting on the computer chair and I blinked rapidly....the nerve of you stranger man.

"Why would I do that?" I asked sweeping all the rough papers in the huge room.

"Cause I'm interested in knowing... Come on Miss Cleaner, I'm always bored in here.. And I might need it" he said mumbling the last part.

"Need it?...what for?" I asked throwing all the dirts into the trash can and dusting the sofa beside the window... It looked so cozy I wanted to curl into it and sleep off, when I touched it the softness made my fingers twitch...its Been long since I slept on something this soft.

"Hello Miss Cleaner" he said cutting me out of my reverie.


"You were gonna tell me about your parents" he said and I tsked.

"You were gonna tell me why you need the story of my life" I said and he laughed... His laughter was deep and interesting to hear.

"To make me have a better out look to life...and well also compare my parents to others... Not like I don't adore my parents though....and be honest please" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"My dad was perfect and amazing... He was this kinda guy you'd always wish for in a husband ....he was my hero... And well my mum is quite the opposite...that's all" I summarized... In all honesty..

"I'm sorry about your dad... And your mum too" he said and I laughed... I had stopped letting my past bother me....there was only one thing in my past...that would never stop hunting me if I remember... That thing, no one else knows except my mum, Ivor and Rosie...

"Not a problem Mister....and the transformer to your rescue one more time...."I said feeling good at the transformation that occurred.

"Thanks a lot Miss Cleaner... I'd anticipate seeing you tomorrow" he said and winked.

"Too bad....tomorrow's my day off....and the name is June...not Miss Cleaner" I said walking out....I had just two rooms more to clean since the others didn't ring for a cleaner....Mr 246 rang all the time....and well,I kinda liked his company... Fine, I really did like his company..

"Hey BFF" Rosie said and hugged me...she was in worn jeans and blue top with huge raybans and a big hat on....A disguise.

"You couldn't cyph paparazzi today?" I asked and she nodded as we hailed a cab.

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