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A party? A fucking party? How is it I've worked here in the littlest possible amount of time and I'm already forced to socialize with people that I have no fucking clue about. I have more important things to do with my life, I have to find ways to survive, for my family to survive, I don't need to be involved in something as dumb and cliche as a party filed with horny 20-something-year-olds, who's only purpose is to get as black out drunk for the night.

All day I would run to Leila and beg for some way out of it.

"No Myah, no excuse. Now that you won't stop bothering me with it, you're leaving with me after work so you can't think about ditching," Leila crosses her arms but she has that familiar smirk on her.

I frowned, "at this point, this is kidnapping."

"Great, now I'll see you after work." She claps her hands. "Oh and can you clean the back storage?"


It's the end of the day, and as I, Leila, and two other girls finished with the closing procedures we closed up and left the store. I hurried and grabbed my stuff hoping ton ditch Leila until I hear, "You're going Myah!" And I see her hurrying after me. I gave up and slowed down, lowering my head in defeat.

"You know parties are cliche as fuck, right?" I groaned.

We made our way across the night bustling streets of the city, it was breathtaking but absolutely suffocating all at once.

"I'm aware," Leila hums. "But honestly I just really in for it in the sense it takes me away from reality."

I don't say anything, because I knew she had a point. We made our way to the subway station and took the route that Leila takes, I following her.

We sat in the down and I looked at her, "think you can let me borrow some clothes at least for this?"

She smiles at looks at me and trails her eyes on me, "your outfit is fine, but I can give you a different shirt or something. Parties aren't as extravagant as the movies make them out to be."

We had small talk on what's to be expected from her party, as clearly I had no experience in the sense that I just avoided them. We talked until our last stop and we hopped off and walked out into the crisp air and now light rain pelting down at us. We hurried along the streets until we walked up to her house, which wasn't all that bad. Maybe even the area could be a good scouting area too.

We walked inside and her home wasn't much special other than just old worn out furniture, some stuff laying around, and just how you would expect a home to look like.

Leila drops her bag and runs into the hallway yelling, "drinks are in the fridge and pantry take them out. I'll grab you a shirt."

I looked around confused and I note that I will never let myself be forced into a situation like this again.

I made my way to the kitchen and shuffled around looking for stuff that might be needed. I obviously find all the liquor and take those all out, a shit ton of cups, and I leave at that because this isn't my party, if she wants anything else out she can do that herself.

Leila brings me a black tank top and I go change in her bathroom, I honestly don't have much to say about that.

It really didn't take much longer until people started showing up one by one. Not that many people were here, at least 50-100 people, but it was honestly enough to want to make me choke myself.

I made my way awkwardly around the house, avoiding Leila incase she wants to introduce me to anymore people. I grab myself a beer and I went looking around the house until I found an area I can sit down and peacefully drink. I was extremely tired, my feet hurt, and I was forced into a situation that literally doesn't benefit anyone.

The City That Never Sleeps ||h.s|| ON HOLD حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن