Chapter 3: Why not?

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Late updates. Sorry! Don't know what to write next. Hope you guys like it. Fan. Vote. Comment! :) xx


(Thea's POV)

*bell rings*

"Finally..." i sighed. Out of this hell hole finally. It seems like forever. Now i can go home and do my thing with no one to humiliate me, to judge my every action and just be me.

"Hey. I'll go home. See you tomorrow." I said to Ashley. History class, my last subject and fortunately a class i have with Ashley.

"Sure!" Ashley responded still busy with fixing her things. As i was about to go out, "Oh wait! Do you want to come to a party with me? This coming Saturday." Ashley said.

What?! Since when did she start going to parties? I thought.

"You party? Since when?" i asked raising my eyebrows at her. Disbelief shown in my face. Ashley is a goody two shoes like me. She never parties.

"Well you know Robby? The guy i've been crushing for almost all of my life? One of the jocks?" She said emphasizing the word 'jock'. I nodded my head slowly still not getting her.

"Well we're kind of going out now almost a month now." She squealed and turn red. I was speechless.

"What? You guys have been going out for a month and you just told me now?! Wow! You sure is a nice friend." I was getting frantic. I thought we always tell each other what's going on but right now it doesn't seem like that.

"Oh please don't be down. We were keeping it a secret till now and planning to announce it infront of everybody at the party. That's why you should come. Please come with me. I don't know how will they react and i don't want to be alone." she says in a pleading tone. I still looked at her with a bored face. "You were the first one to know about us." She says convincingly. Even if i don't want to go, i have to. I can't just leave my only friend with those monsters.

"Fine but you owe me bigtime for this." i said to her. She ran to me and hugged me.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how nervous i am in doing this." Ashley says in my neck. I rubbed her back. Typical Ashley, shy just like me. But i'm happy for her. She finally got her long time crush.

"Tell Robby that if he ever do anything to you like hurt you or forces you to do something, i am so going to kill him." I said in a semi-serious voice.

"Yeah right, as if." Ashley said. I glared at her like she just made a wrong answer, but completely failed because we started laughing. Yeah, we're crazy like that.

"Okay, i got to go now. School-home routine you know?" I lied. I'm only in a rush to go home because i have to something and i'm pretty sure that person is waiting.

"Okay, bye! Take care." she said and blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and stomp on it and we just laughes at my gesture.

"Mom? Dad?" i called out. Not surprised that they're not here. They're only here when it's the realeasing of cards or when i need to show them off my school. My parents are persons what you call 'over-achiever' that exlains a lot why they want me to be also one. I ran to my room, turned on my  laptop. This is the highlight of my day i know that person would be on. 


unloveable_me: Hey! I missed you. >.<

forever.alone: Same here. I wish i could talk to you all the time.

unloveable_me:  So how was your day hun?

forever.alone: The same. Popular jerks and hoes still ruling the school thinking they are better than everybody. 

unloveable_me: Poor you if only i was there i'd really protect you. How dare they bully you?

forever.alone: I'm fine. Life goes on. I'm a nobody, what do you expect? I'm at the bottom of the highschool food chain.

unloveable_me: If only you would meet up with me. We study at the same school but how come you don't want to meet me?

forever.alone: You won't like me trust me...

As i entered that sentence i heard that familiar humming of engines outside the house. My mom, she comes home more than my dad.

forever.alone: Hey! I gtg. My mom's here. Have to pretend study. Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow. :*

I clicked logout and went towards my bed. Pulled out some books and notebooks, didn't even bother looking at what subjects they are. Opened them at random pages to make it look that i really am studying. Like it was called for there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" i shouted.

"Hey kiddo! How was school?" she asked not even bothered looking at me. Eyes fixed at her blackberry phone. Work... i thought.

"School is still the same." I said in an uninterested tone. She looked at me for a second then returned hey eyes at her blackberry.

"Good to see you studying. I'm going to my room. I still have work to do. I don't want any noise." My mom said. Her usual script when she talks to me. Nothing out of the blue and left the room.

"Why would even bother going here when you ask the same thing all over again and get the same results." I whispered to myself. I'm used to my mom acting that cold toward me. All they want is a trophy daughter. I lay down and looked at the ceiling thinking how my day passed. Thinking about 'unloveable_me'. Wondering who is that person. I probably passed by her/him at the hallway. I was just surfing the net when i saw this chatting site. I thought it would be interesting. I found a profile named 'unloveable_me' and how it matches my username perfectly. We started chatting and found out that she/he is nice. We started chatting regularly, figuring out the we have a lot in common. Sharing our own ideas and complaints. And one day i found out that we go at the same school, since then that person started bugging me to meet up. I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm just scared that that person won't like me, but why not give that person a chance right?

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