Chapter 2 | A Small Act Of Defiance

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For the next few days that boy's advice stayed on my mind. During practice, I observed the way Holly set us out, how she as captain was always centre of attention and gave nobody else a chance. I had never paid it any mind. I hadn't really been bothered, but whoever that boy was, he was right. Rose and Selena didn't get a fair chance. In all honesty, they needed more training - more one on one time.

So, on Thursday, I bought it up to Holly.

"Do you think this formation is going to work?" I asked as we took a break, sitting on the bleachers after school.

Holly gave me the funniest look. "Yes, obviously. We've been doing this for a long time. It has always worked. Why? You don't think we should change it, do you?"

I shrugged. She always made my opinions so awkward, but that didn't mean I was going to sit with my thumb in my mouth. "I don't think it's going to work anymore. Not with Rose and Selena. They're not like how Naomi and Willow were."

Naomi and Willow were more solid. They belonged at the bottom of the pyramid. It was where they worked best.

"What do you suggest?" asked Holly, bewildered. "Are you telling me that you want me to throw them off the squad?"

"No!" I cried. "Definitely not! I just think we need to rearrange things a little bit. I think Rose should be in the spotlight - take my place. I don't mind being at the bottom of the pyramid."

"But, this is the way we've always done it."

"So, it's time for a change, yes?"

Holly narrowed her eyes. I remember thinking for a moment that she was going to try and throw me off of the team, but then she sighed. "Fine. Okay. I'll look into it, but until then," her ocean-like eyes narrowed again, "we carry on with our routine the same way we've always done it. I don't know what's got into you, Serena. Next thing, you'll be telling me you aren't coming to homecoming."

I rolled my eyes. There was no way I was missing out on that.

"Oh!" Holly gasped, hand flying over her mouth.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she said. Her hand came away to reveal a grin. "I just remembered that I may have an idea of who to set you up with for homecoming."

Those words worried me for many reasons. Last time she'd set me up, it had ended before it had even begun. Let's just say, Peter Kensington was not quite the catch he made himself out to be. Not only was he too uptight, his talk of golf and examination of takeaway food was very putting off.

Holly and I did not have the same taste in boys.

"Who?" I asked.

Holly only grinned, removing herself from the bleachers. "Be ready at six. You're coming out with me and Fred." Before I had a chance to speak, she held her hand up. "You're coming, end of discussion."

I groaned.

As much as I dreaded Holly's plans for that night, I went home and got ready for a night I didn't know fate had in store for me. I remember spending longer hunting through my wardrobe for the right outfit than correcting my eyeliner which just would not go right. Eventually, after five tantrums and a bitch fit in which I decided I wasn't even going to go, I settled on a pink faux leather shirt, a plain t-shirt and some pink shoes. Holly and Fred only ever went out for food on weeknights, so I was safe to wear heels this once. My makeup, you ask?

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