Chapter 4

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*Trevor's POV*

I didn't really feel comfortable with Lilly hanging out with 20 year old guys but she insisted that they wouldn't hurt her and if they did I could hurt them for hurting her. I mean who would trust their 14 year old girlfriend with 20 year olds? I mean it's illegal to do anything with her like in that way but I still can't get over the fact thus she's hanging out with 20 year olds.

*Connor's POV*

I really wonder why Lilly would do this to herself and I don't wanna bring it up with any of her friends cause I'm afraid they don't know and that I would expose her secret. I'm pretty sure the only one who knows is Molly. I hear Lilly laughing and playing on the computer and hear her smashing her keyboard. Those gamers are really weird. They have the weirdest slang terms. Like "biggums" and "gg" or "gg no re". I mean what does that even mean? ((He can hear them cause her room is over his.)) Then I hear her going downstairs. I hear a door open and close after a car pulls up. I guess Lilly is going out with some of her gaming friends or something. I'll ask trevor cause I know he was down there but I'll do that later because I'm a lazy person aka and internet kid. And I never sleep! ((Get it? His poster internet kids never sleep))

*Lilly's POV*

When we got to the mall we met in the food court. We split up into groups. Emma and I, Preston and Mitch and Jordan. We decided to meet back up in an hour. Emma and I went into Delia*s and I got a pair of Olivia low rise shorts that are white, a top that says free your mind.


Sorry for the filler guys but the next chapter is gonna be drama filled and it will be posted Saturday.

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