Chapter Fourteen - Unstable Footing

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Sunny wasn't alone for long. She had wrapped herself up in the blanket and curled up on the bench when the doors opened again. It was not Cade, or Zandin or Zalon. Instead, it was the guard that had so maliciously enjoyed her humiliation, and one of his friends. It was the first time Sunny had been in the presence of the unknown Miotalans without one of Kilnor's team to back her up since Cade had brought her the food and blanket.

She drew back at the sight of them, pressing herself even more firmly against the wall. Sunny had not forgotten the way she had been so lecherously leered at, and without someone there as a buffer she felt extremely vulnerable. She pulled the blanket even tighter around herself, as if the fabric alone could protect her.

The guards fumbled with the keys to her cell, each scraping of metal against metal heightening her tension. With an audible snick, they finally managed to unlock the door, stepping through into her cell with definite purpose.

The lecherous guard held a pair of handcuffs in his hands. Sunny's breathing came a little faster. She did not want to be restrained again, but she knew that she would have no choice. The self-defence manoeuvres that Kilnor had taught her would be useless against these Miotalans, who no doubt had similar training to Kilnor.

Sunny wanted to squeeze her eyes shut and let them do as they would, but she couldn't quite bring herself to do it - the waiting as they reached forward to touch her would be too much. She did not resist as she was roughly pulled off the bench and handcuffed. Nor did she resist as she was frogmarched out of the cell and through the ship.

Her thoughts ran wild. Where was Cade? Where were Zandin and Zalon? Surely they should be here to offer her some protection. Her biceps began to ache from the tight grip her captors had, but Sunny still did not complain. She could not forget that malicious glint in the eyes of the Miotalan on her right. He would only be too happy to tighten his grip or worse if she did make a sound.

Sunny could hear shouting in the distance. The more they walked, the louder the shouts became, until Sunny was sure she could recognise Cade's voice. Relief rushed through her - she had not been forgotten - before it was stymied by the realisation that shouts from Cade could only bode ill for her.

The shouts cut off abruptly as Sunny and her escorts reached the exit of the ship. Natural light streamed in through the open door, and Sunny blinked a few times to blow her eyes to adjust as she was led down the ramp.

Now that the shouting had stopped and Sunny was no longer focused on that, the sounds of a space port reached her ears. She could hear yelling and laughter interspersed with the unmistakable sounds of a PA system. In the background, space ships and other vehicles whistled and roared.

Sunny had no opportunity to observe her surroundings, for no sooner had she stepped foot off the ship than she was being directed to another waiting vehicle. Reason fled and she balked, looking around. Her eyes landed on a familiar figure. At the foot of the ramp, face expressionless and hands by his side stood Cade. Zandin was next to him, his face similarly blank. Behind them stood a Miotalan that Sunny had not seen before. He was nearly as tall as Cade, and his skin was just as black, though he had black scales and black eyes to match. A polite, if bored smile graced his face.

The hands around Sunny's arms tightened, returning her to her surroundings. Why was she being taken away from Cade and Zandin? Why were they allowing it to happen? She couldn't help herself - she cried out their names, her tone pleading.

"Cade! Zandin!" Their facial expressions didn't change, and neither of them so much as twitched a muscle.

Sunny didn't understand. Kilnor had said that they would help her, but here they were, standing by whilst she was led off to be taken to places unknown. She had known their power was limited - she had remained in a cell despite their caring for her, but she had not expected this.

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