Chapter Five - Arriving

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As if their conversation had been prophetic, the ship stopped its steady cruising the next cycle. Midway through his exercises, Kilnor paused, his body alert and listening. Watching him, Sunny stopped her sit-ups.

"Something is happening," he told her. "Feel how the ship moves? I think we have reached a planet."

Once Kilnor pointed it out, Sunny too could feel it. The steady thrum of the engines was still noticeable, but the cell was now rocking slightly. Adrenaline began to pulse through her veins and her breathing sped up.

"What's going to happen now?" she asked Kilnor fearfully. She had wanted this journey to end - something to break the monotony, but now that it was here, it terrified her.

"First," Kilnor said, reaching for her. "We should sit down and hold onto the bars. We have no safety restraints down here."

Apparently, their comfort was not high on the list of priorities for the aliens that captured them.

Sunny stepped towards him, trusting him to know what was best, and he tucked her in close to him, wrapping one strong arm around the bars. They may have no safety gear, but Sunny doubted anything could make her feel safer than just being wrapped in Kilnor's arms.

The ship began to lurch more noticeably, and the muscles in Sunny's stomach tightened. "How long will landing take?" she asked Kilnor.

"It should not take too long once we breach the planet's atmosphere," he told her, his voice soothing. "Close your eyes, and try to relax."

Try to relax, Sunny scoffed. As if she could simply rid herself of her stress at will. Nonetheless, Kilnor had considerably more experience with space-travel than herself, and so she attempted to do as instructed, closing her eyes and focusing on her breathing. In, and out. In, and out. Her pounding heart slowed, but only incrementally.

The movement of the ship grew greater still, snd Sunny's eyes flew open. Looking at Kilnor's face, she could see the strain as he used his strength to keep her safe in his his arms, and to also keep them fixed in their position close to the bars.

"Should not be long," he grunted.

Even as he said it, the ship gave one final lurch, before shuddering to a stop. Above them, the sound of metal clanking on metal could be heard, from a variety of directions.

Holding tight to each other, faces drawn, they waited for the hatch to open, and to be led out to their future.


The chains were heavy around Sunny's ankles - the metal tight, leaving her skin chafed and raw underneath. She could feel her heart pounding, her senses on overdrive, sights and sounds overwhelming, drawing her attention this way and that way. Only the feel of Kilnor's hand on her wrist, softly stroking her pulse line offered any degree of comfort.

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