Mummy is an angel now.

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AN: from one angel, to another.


I'm sorry I had to leave you

But I guess it was my time

I'm sorry that you were so young

When you heard the church bells chime.

I'm sorry that I missed your first steps

And that you hear your daddy cry

I'm sorry that you see his sadness

When he says that you have your mothers eyes

I'm sorry I couldn't make your birthday cake

And that I didn't get to watch you grow

I'm sorry I couldn't watch you open your presents

Or play with you in the snow.

I'm sorry I wasn't there for your first day at school

I want you to know that I was very proud

I'm sorry the little boy didn't understand

When you said your mummy wasn't around

I'm sorry I couldn't teach you to plait your hair

Or bake cookies like I'd planned

I'm sorry I couldn't read you bed time stories

Where you'd fall asleep holding my hand

I'm sorry you don't understand

Why you don't have a mummy when your friends do

I'm sorry I couldn't comfort you

When daddy was at work and you had the flu

I'm sorry I couldn't teach you to paint your nails

That we didn't get to gossip and laugh

I'm sorry I never got to know you

But your daddy's there on my behalf

I'm sorry that you were the one to find him

Hanging from the noose in the tree

I'm sorry that after all that time

He couldn't face another day without me

I'm sorry that its my fault your alone

And that you felt so much pain

I'm sorry I wasn't there for you

The time you silently cried in the rain

But please know that I have always loved you

And am so proud of how brave you've are

So please don't be sad my darling little girl

We may be with the angels now but you'll always be our star.

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