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"I guess you aren’t going to come to school anymore?" Louis asks softly. His hand is still wrapped loosely in Harry’s, and Harry’s head is still rested safely on Louis’ shoulder.

Harry shakes his head. Louis sighs quietly.

"You know I’m here for you, don’t you?" Louis mumbles almost silently. Harry lifts his head and looks towards Louis. Harry only shrugs and Louis frowns, his brown drawn together sadly. "I am. I care about you."

Harry bites down onto his lip and looks away. “Noboday has ever cared about me before.”

Louis’ heart just about breaks and he pulls his hand from Harry’s. He stands from his position seated on the wooden plank and offers his hand to Harry. The shy boy takes it and stands, too, all while giving Louis a questioning look.

Louis doesn’t speak as he slides his arms around Harry’s waist and pulls the boys’ chests together. He rests his head on Harry’s shoulder and squeezes his arms laced around the boys’ fragile body.

It takes Harry a couple of moments before he cooperates, but he eventually shyly slides his arms around Louis. The elder boy smiles as Harry buries his head in Louis’ neck, his frayed curls tickling the bare skin.

"I’m always here," Louis slips gently. "Whatever you need, I will always be here to help you."

Harry nods once and a small, shaky breath is sighed into Louis' neck. Louis pulls back, his arms still latched around Harry, and Harry's around him. Blue eyes search green ones, and Harry lets out a cautious breath as Louis leans in closer.

"Do you...can I do something?" Louis asks, his voice soft and quiet as he nervously speaks. Harry has never seen Louis nervous before, though he can only concentrate on the proximity of the boys' faces. Before Harry knows what he is doing, his head is nodding and a small smile spreads to Louis' lips.

Louis withdraws one of his arms from Harry's waist, and brushes his knuckles gently beneath Harry's chin. Harry gasps as Louis' mouth is placed to his, his lips soft and gentle and warm as they softly kiss Harry's. Louis' hands travel up the back of Harry's body and to his hair, his fingers tugging ever so gently on the tender curls that fall. Harry's presses himself to Louis and squeezes the elder boys' lips, closing his eyes and focusing on nothing other than the beautiful boy kissing him.

Louis pulls away, slightly breathless, and is unable to contain his triumphant smile. Harry smiles shyly, bringing his head into Louis' neck again to hide his embarrassment. Harry catches the nervous breath that slips from Louis' lips. He pulls his head away from Louis' to look him in the eyes. 

"What is it?" Louis whispers, suddenly uncomfortable at the look of sadness on Harry's fallen face. "Did...did I do something wrong?"

"No," Harry whispers back. "It's not that."

"What is it, then?" Louis asks with a gentle frown. It takes Harry a moment to reply before he does.

"I'm scared."

Louis' grip tightens on Harry instinctively. "What are you scared of?"

"Leaving you."

Louis breath catches in his throat and he tries to swallow down the choking sound spluttering from his lips. "What do you mean?"

Harry pulls away from the worried boy, lip between teeth as he takes a couple of steps backwards. Both Louis and Harry dislike the sudden lack of contact. "I have to leave."

"Why?" Is all Louis can mutter, his voice hopeless and wounded.

"It's already set."

Louis blinks, staring at Harry in confusion.

"It's's set for me to go."

"What's set, Harry? I don't...understand, I don't get it."

"I don't really, either," Harry murmurs, his eyes dropping to the ground to avoid eye contact with Louis' troubled blue ones. "But I have to leave, and it's set."

"Why can't you just tell me?" Louis speaks, more loudly than before. His tone immediately softens when Harry flinches, responding as if Louis had swiped him around the face. "Please...I don't want to lose you, it's too soon. Please, just tell me where you're going."

"I don't...I don't exactly know where I'm going," Harry hushes, his frown mirroring Louis' one. "It''s set. It's set, Louis." 

Tears form in Harry's eyes as he continues to mumble half-heartedly, neither of the boys truly understanding what Harry is trying to say. Louis sighs and closes the gap between the two, wrapping his arms around the troubled boy and pulling him into his chest. 

Harry continues to mumble in between sobs, into Louis' shoulder, as the two boys stand huddled together, watching the sun soon set beyond the vast set of trees lining the forest.

<hey hey! sorry this chapter is so short, but i felt like i needed to update :) please let me know what you think is going on with harry, i'd love to know what you guys are thinking. and please vote, it means a lot to know that you're liking what i'm writing! love you, and hope you are all well :) >

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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