character answers

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Hey guys! Sorry this isn't an update. But hey at least your questions are gonna be answered by my faves! 😆 There's so much questions. I wasn't expecting that. 😂

Let's get this show on the road!



When will you admit your love to Jensen?

Um what?

Are you and Jensen like actually dating yet or what?

Again, um what?

Who's your favorite babe?

Jensen, just because he's not annoying as Matt and Arthur. ;) Kidding aside, I love them both—annoying or not.

So you feel like pinching yourself knowing you have met THE cast of Supernatural?

Oh my God. Totally! I had to ask Arthur many times to pinch me to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I'm still freaking out on the inside. I could scream like a banshee like now, to be honest.

What is the best thing you realize about Jensen?

I haven't known the guy in a long time, but so far it's that he's a really nice guy with a nice face.


On a scale of one to Misha, how much do you ship Eliza and Jensen?

Definitely not as much as Misha. No one can beat that guy's hardcore shipping.

How gay are you for Arthur?

Totally. ;)

How is it possible you are so freakin awesome?

It runs in our squad.


Do you think there's gonna be any problens between any characters? Like jealousy or rumors?

I don't think there's going to be any problems between us and the cast. They're chill. Rumors, maybe? I mean, that comes with being famous. I'm not sure.

How gay are you for Matt?

Totally... Not that gay for Matt. Just a little. I mean if I had to choose between Matt and ScarJo, I'd totally pick ScarJo. How can you deny her?

Is it awesome knowing you, Matt, and Eliza are basically celebrities?

Haha. I wish we were! We're just friends with famous people.


When are you going to officially ask out Eliza?

In the future? No definite time, just... Just chill. I just met her in person.

You do realize Eliza loves you too right?

TTYL (Talk To You Later) | Jensen AcklesWhere stories live. Discover now