seventeen: even god wants to see his son die

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After a tiring day at Comic Con, the Supernatural cast and three best friends go back to the hotel. They decided to hang out at the room where Jensen and Jared are staying at. The guys wearing blazers and jackets took them off and placed them either on the chair or in the closet. The first thing that Eliza did when she stepped inside the room is dive straight to the bed, not caring whose bed that was.

"Hey, Jensen," Jared called.


"Didn't you say you were tired and wanted to take a nap?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Then go right ahead," Jared smirked, gesturing to the bed where Eliza was lying on.

The others look at Jensen with a mischievous smile.

"Shut your mouth, Padalecki," Jensen growled.

"You can't spell subtext without S-E-X," Matt whispered to Arthur, but was loud enough for everyone to hear. Jensen stares at them with a mortified look on his face while the rest giggles.

"Shut up, Lewis!" Eliza threw a pillow at her best friend.

"Thanks for backing me up, babe," Jensen winked.

"No problem!" she grinned.

"Oh my God. Jezabeth in action. I can't even," Misha gasped.

"Okay. There we go. They've unleashed wild fangirl Misha," Robert breathe.

"'Wild fangirl Misha' is my favorite description of him," Arthur giggled.

Eliza sits up and asks, "Is he gonna die like in the chat?" 

"I think he will if you guys continue," Jared answered.

"I personally would like to see Misha die on the spot," Mark Pellegrino stated.

"I second that," said Sheppard, raising a finger.

"I think we can agree we all want to see Misha die," Osric remarked.

"We do," everyone else chorused.

The room suddenly becomes quiet. They give up with the conversation and decided to take a break.


'Hunting Squad' groupchat





you do realize we're all in the same room. We could talk in person

we have nothing to say in person

too tired

to talk

but not to type

TTYL (Talk To You Later) | Jensen AcklesWhere stories live. Discover now