Its just a nightmare

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Me and y/n were best of friends but then I became distant when i joined the losers club because I didn't want y/n in any harm's way

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Me and y/n were best of friends but then I became distant when i joined the losers club because I didn't want y/n in any harm's way

I continue to walk down the hall to find Y/n or at least one of her friends because I haven't seen her for three days " oh hey Eddie there you are I have been looking for you " I turned around to see Richie the guy I hate but is my friend" oh hey Richie " I said in response he came closer to me and tried to hug me I backed away I then saw bill walking pass us I quickly ran up to bill " hey bill have you seen Y/n I'm really worried about her what if you know who got her " I said with worry in my voice " I'm pretty sure she is fine Eddie she is probably at home or at the library " he said as I just looked at him he walked away and went to class I couldn't take this so I just ran out the doors and went to go find y/n

There was this strange noise coming from the alley where I was walking pass I just ignored it and walked pass I came to a stop near the old burned down house and I saw a figure bent down near the fence I walked closer and saw it was Y/n I quickly ran up to her but as I got closer she disappeared  I looked up stood stiff

I then saw IT the clown who killed bill's brother I felt this sudden urge to walk up the clown and kill I was about until I felt a pair of arms around my waist I looked back to see y/n holding me back " Eddie no you'll get yourself killed " She grabbed my arm and we ran away we ran until we couldn't anymore " Eddie are you okay why were you out here anyway by yourself you worried me don't do that ever again please Eddie " She said as She started to tear up " hey y/n shh don't cry I'm still here okay and I promise I won't go anywhere without you I left to look for you because I haven't seen you in three days "  I said said as she looked at me I smiled

" okay good and Eddie I have to tell you something I li- " She was cut off by Henry " hey dickhead you out with your prostitute how much you paying sweetheart " he said as he grabbed his dick " excuse me first of all she is not a prostitute she is my best friend so leave now or else " I said as I put my arm in front her Henry walked up to Me  and pulled out this stick looking thing he then swung it and a blade came out my eyes widened he walked closer and I can Y/n  was scared y/n walked up to Henry but his friends grabbed her and held her back " NO LEAVE EDDIE ALONE PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM " She yelled as she looked Henry in the eyes and started to cry when Henry looked away  she hit the guy behind her with her head and stepped on the other guys foot and ran to Me and push us out of the way She got back up and saw billy coming with the rest of the losers club  she looked back to Henry and his blade pierce through her She feel to her knees clutching to her stomach I ran to her  " y/n hold on okay SOMEONE GET ME MY FIRST AID KIT NOW PLEASE " I yelled as Richie grabbed it and handed it to ME " it's going to be okay y/n you will make it I know you can okay you can't leave me I need you because then who would hit Richie for me " I said as she just  laughed a little " ow your right Eddie but you need to get along with him because we know I won't survive this we are too far from a hospital okay plus who cares about me I'm the old best friends you have them now the losers club who may I say is the closest club to ever exist " she said as she looked at me she smiled at me " but y/n I need you..... because I .. love you " I said   " I love you too Eddie so much so much that I have to leave so bill please take care of him for me " she said as she looked at bill he shook  his head " y/n please no don't leave me please " I said as I held her hand crying please don't " I yelled "I'm sorry Eddie " she  said as I watched her eyes close and take her last breath "NOOOOOOOOO Y/NNNN PLEASE COME BACKKKKK !" I yelled into the air I sobbed into bills shoulder.

I gasped for air and sat up I opened my eyes and looked around and saw I was in my bed I looked over to my clock it was 2:45 pm I realized I was dreaming I jumped up and put on some clothes and rode my bike to the abandoned park that I know the losers club would be at I rode there and I put my bike down I looked around to see if y/n was here I looked and I saw her in all of her beautiful glory I quickly ran up to her and hugged her she hugged me back I let her go and we both blushed " oh well look who woke up finally Eddie " she said I just laughed and looked at her " are you okay Eddie you seem frightened and shaken up " she said as everyone else agreed " okay I had this dream where IT found me , and well you y/n saved me and we ran away from IT.

but we were stopped by Henry and he was going to stab me put you pushed us out of the way. and then the rest of the club came and they distracted you and when you turned Henry stabbed you and, you died in my arms but the thing is it felt so real y/n " I said as i started to cry " Hey Eddie it's okay I'm here and I'm not going anywhere because you are my best friend and I- never mind " she said as she blushed " OH MY GOD JUST KISS ALREADY WE ALL KNOW YOU GUSY LOVE EACH OTHER JUST GET IT OVER WITH " we both looked at Richie and just blushed even more " well um.. would you want to go on a date with me if you want to I mean you don't have to I can just leave and you wow I'm just embarr- " I was cut off with a pair of soft lips I I opened my eyes in surprise I closed them and kissed her back " of course I would love to go on a date with you Eddie " she said as I smiled

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