X. The Encounter

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'John, can you hear me?' Eric over the phone. 'yeah! what's up?' 'We've got the location of Fernandez Gail, the one that I told you two days ago. The man that met with Smith'

'Where are you now?' John asked.

'I'll text you now where to come. Other wise, Smith may notice. I'm hanging up the phone' Eric texted to Hassan and John. Phil had just found out who Fernandez was. He is an ex-military, dismissed for his misbehavior in the army. He's now the operator of the weapons warehouse. He had connections with William and other mafias in White Field.

They thought about executing Smith too. But, they didn't know when they both will meet again. Eric reached a deserted corn field. It was empty. At the corner, there was a small house. A farmer's house. A cop's car was parked outside. John arrived on his motor. Hassan and Phil came along on a rented cab.

They slowly moved to the house holding shotguns and pistols. Suddenly they heard a man scream. They crouched and listened. 'What we gonna do this peasant, Sir?' it could be Gail. It was a deep voice. 'Please, leave me alone. I don't want to die. Take whatever you want. I wont say shit to cops' he cried for his life. He must be tied up.

'Hell no! Who are you saying shit to now? Ugly fella' Smith's sound struck in Hassan's ears. His rage increased.

'Look, old man. Either way, you are gonna die. So, better leave that information to us or your kids goes with you' Smith threatened the poor peasant.

'Please don't hurt my family. I don't know anything about your money' he kept weeping for life. Eric heard the kids crying and a woman's scream.

'We must go now. Before he makes a mess' Hassan said.

'Now' Eric shouted in a low voice.

John and Phil from the back, Eric and Hassan from the front kicked opened the doors and pointed their guns at both Smith and Gail, and another fellow, who seemed just tore the poor man's wife's gown. She was trying to cover her naked body with her hands. Smith took a shot at Hassan just when Phil and John shot both Smith and the other one down. The bullet Smith shot pierced through Hassan's left shoulder. It was barely a blood bath. Gail punched on Eric's face holding his gun and threw him over the poor farmer. John and Phil showered bullets into Gail's chest and face leaving him exactly in his own blood pool. He struggled for breathe and then remained still, lifeless. Eric, stood up to help the farmer. He spat blood from the punch. John covered the lady with his overcoat and moved them to another room. The farmer sat in relief. Both Gail and the other man was lying dead. Smith crawled to lean over the wall. He gasped heavily and was calling 'water, water' blood flowed his stomach. Hassan somehow managed to get up and resist the pain.

Questions asked and Answered

'Why did you try to kill my family, huh?' Hassan slapped on dying Smith's face.

'You told me Farra have seen Gail when he shot your son. I didn't want anything in our way' he laughed with pain 'but you guys were too clever, hmm'

'You sick bastard. We respected you. And you were going to kill my children for that?' Hassan tried to punch him again, but Eric stopped him.

'You get what you deserve, Smith. And now I've a witness to bury you without honor' Eric said to his helpless red face.

Smith was spitting out blood. They all stood up and pointed their guns at him. He looked up at the guns and tried to raise his hands to salute their wild intervention. Suddenly loads of bullets screamed through his brains and shattered pieces of them on the wall. The farmer looked at this sight in shock.

'Hey, what's your name?' Eric asked the peasant.

'Simon Walt, please don't hurt me. I'll tell you everything'

He was a fine looking old man around his 60s. He was tortured real hard previously. His finger nails were floating with blood. He had gray hair and brown eyes with little wrinkles on his cheeks and below the eyes. A thick white mustache too.

'We won't hurt you. Just tell me what they're asking you?'

'Alright. I heard them say from the veranda that Gail had lost his files or something. These three people came in to my house' 'which three people?' Eric intruded 'this William, and these two officers'

'go on'

'They threatened me to not farm anymore in my field. I don't know why but they had some papers in their hands. I thought it was a court order or the government must have decided to take my land away. I agreed to them. And now, all of a sudden they just came here and started asking for the money'

'John, Phillip. Go check the field for anything unusual' Hassan said to them. The farmer's wife came out all dressed up and offered to help Hassan with his bullet wound.

'Sir, I think we found a treasure' Phil called Eric. Hassan and Eric went towards the field. They found John and Phil staring at a huge pit. There was a large tarpaulin covered on something. John untied the rope and opened.

'Holy Shit!!!' they were so surprised to see a huge stack of drug money. Eric called in for more backup and news channels.

Soon, helicopters began hovering over the corn field and ambulance helped Hassan with better aids. News channels captured Smith's and Gail's shattered heads and reported live. The farmer was given proper treatment for his bruises. Eric held an ice packet on his head and watched the Intelligence Agency take care of the money. One thing's for sure, it was William's drug money. And who ever comes for that load will be behind bars sooner. The amount wasn't quite accurate. By the look of it, it could be more than a billion. Catherine came running with Farra and their children. She hugged Eric so tight and kissed him hard. Tears rolled down her cheek and Eric wiped them away.

'We did it fellas. Eric shouted at the team'

'But not bare knuckled, dude' Hassan said. They all laughed. 


The End

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