In the car

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They all got in the car and Shay and Hanna went in the back. Hanna started texting Shay because she doesn't want shay mom to know.

H: I had a great time with you.
S: me too.
H:hope we can do it again soon cuz I really enjoy it doing it with you.
S: for real?
H:yeah no lies.
Shay mom took them to McDonald's and got everyone hamburgers,fries, and large soda. They all ate it in the car because too crowd inside. While they were eating they all were watching YouTube. Shay and Hanna watch some markiplier and jacksepticeye and her mom was watching the news. Once everyone finish, they all went home to go pick up Hanna stuff to take her home. They all got in the car again. They got to hanna house in five minutes because she lives close by shays house. Shay and Hanna hop off the car and they both hug and both of them at the same time they whisper, "I love you". After that, Shay went home up to her bed and did some flashbacks of the day and fell fast asleep. It was the best day of their lives.
The end

Shanna smut ;)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz