Don't cry ♡ Zach Herron

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Zach's pov

Since it was Y/N's birthday and her parents are away most of the time which leaves her alone at night, although I wish I could be there, I had decided to get her a companion (aka a puppy).

Every time we pass a dog she has to stop and pet as much as possible. So why not get her her own? She is my girlfriend after all and I would do anything to make her happy.

I placed a bow on the puppies collar and unlocked her house. I had a key of my own since she has a spare one and incase she's in trouble, so I unlocked the door quietly and then closed it. I could hear her humming in the kitchen her favourite song. "Happy birthday to you" I sang quietly walking up to the door. "Zachoryyyyy!" She yelled running up to me.

I had the puppy in my hand so she would notice but nope. "Don't you see your present?" I laughed whilst looking down at the tiny creature who was looking back up at me.

She stopped, she stopped and looked at the puppy who was wagging her tail. I looked back up at her beautiful face to see her crying, which I hope were tears of Joy.

"Oh Y/N" I giggled a little (not in a girly way). She reached out her hand still not saying anything at all but crying. "Oh my gawd" she basically screamed. "How Lucky am I to have a Boyfriend like you!? Thank you Jeezus although I don't believe in you!" She said covering the puppies ears and kneeling down. She began crying hysterically. I quickly whipped out my phone and snapped this reaction. "I love you" she said bit crying. "I love you too" I said smiling.

That was the first time we've ever said those three words to each other. "I love you"

What do you think? Plez let meh know!

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