I'm sorry

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My semester is over I can't believe that I've only know these people for a few months it feels like I've known them for years, they are my family now and yes I have my friends from Naz but it's not the same, they are good friends but these guys are family. And I know that we will constantly chat to each other over break to just come back in the spring like nothing had changed. I decided to just get an arts and communication degree this way I can do everything from writing to theater and computer work.

"Doll earth to my Princess"

"Oh sorry what is it Xander"

"Don't you have to leave in a few?"

"Don't you?"

"Yeah which is why I started both our cars" he tells me

"Thanks I think I have everything"

"You guys leaving now?" Zoey asks from the bathroom door

"8 hour drive vs Seven Adam already left at one in the morning"

"We will meet up during break" Xander promises

"Me and Zoey we come up" Martin suggest

"Or we go to Boston to see Lily and Charlie" I put out there

"I don't think we will be able to see Julie or Kenny"

"They can meet up , South Carolina and Florida" Zoey points out

"True, we will figure it out, but Doll we need to get going"

"Yeah yeah"

Me and Xander get in our cars before heading out we called each other right before we wanted to stop keeping about the same pace. We actually didn't live too far from each other seeing his family just moved to colonie since his sister wanted to go to uAlbany. We texted everyday and one day we made plans to meet up at the mall closest to us but he cancelled telling me he forgot he made plans with his girlfriend so I called a few of my highschool friends and we met up instead.

"Why the last minute plans?" My best friend/brother Bryan asks

"Xander, forgot he made plans with his girl"

"Are you ok with that" Derek questions

"Why wouldn't I be it's nice to see him happy?"

"Darling we know you too well" my "Sister" Kora tells me

"She's right, we have known you too long" Sarah points out

"Come on Maria your are at least a little upset" Mitri prods

Before I can respond we hear a high pitched giggle that me and Derek know all too well even Bryan and Kora share our looks of No it couldn't be when we look towards the source we see her Derek's ex and my ex friend. But that's not why my eye's widen the arm she is hanging on is the boy that cancelled on me today.

"Which one of them can I punch her or him" I mutter

"That is Xander i take it" Sarah observes

"Yes that would be him,"

"Maria, don't do anything rash" Bryan cautions

"Oh I'm beyond rash"

"Maria.." Derek starts

"You have no right to say anything I snap

"I was just going to say don't get too mad at him he probably has no clue who she is to you"

"You're right but I am going to rip into her"

"Go right ahead sleeping beauty"

"You're not going to let that go" I sigh

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