1.04 Initiation

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The acolyte's words echoed ominously in Lief's mind. What was initiation? Why did the the elders of Valla want to imprison them? He tried to put the pieces together but he couldn't understand his place in their sinister plans. He had to discover where they had taken Treguna and escape. Satis and Dee had told him they would help, but Lief wasn't convinced that they were entirely trustworthy. He would still accept their help, but he would watch carefully for signs of betrayal. He prayed that all four of them could all escape together in one piece.

"Well, lets go. We don't want to keep the Burned One waiting." The acolyte motioned towards them impatiently.

"Where's the girl that was brought in with me?" Lief asked hoping to learn something new. "She had some serious burns and the medics took her away."

"Ugh, the medics. Why does everyone ask about the blazing medics!" The acolyte gathered his composure and smiled icily. "I wouldn't worry about the girl if I were you. You'll have your own problems to deal with soon."

Lief glared at the acolyte and opened his mouth to argue when Satis grabbed his shoulder in restraint.

"We are ready to go, Acolyte Tasador" Dee cooed sweetly.

The acolyte eyed her body hungrily and then shook his head realizing he had a job to do. "It's about time. Follow me." He turned and stared directly into Lief's eyes. "Don't bother looking for your friend. There is no where to run or hide in the Temple of Valla anyway. Keep your anger in check. You could learn something from Dee, here."

The acolyte turned and began to head down the bright hallway. Lief looked at Satis and Dee in disbelief. He lifted his fist unsure whether to attack the acolyte or Satis.

Satis raised both his hands in a sign of peace. "Let's go." He whispered. He pulled Lief out of the cell and followed Dee and the acolyte. "We have to play along with that ass, Tasador. Valla's fist he's a cruel one. 'Assador' is just a common bully, though. He's easy to outwit. Dee has him practically worshiping the ground she walks on with empty promises and fleeting smiles. Follow her lead, and try not to draw attention to yourself."

Lief's expression transformed from hopeless anger to confusion. "Why are we listening to him? We could just escape. 'Assador' isn't even checking whether we are following him or not. We have to get Treguna."

Dee spun around and gave Lief an angry glare. Satis raised his finger to his lips. "Not so loud. We've tried, my friend. You don't even know how long we have been stranded in this place. The hallways of the temple are like a labyrinth and there are guards posted at every entrance. Unfortunately, Assador is correct. There is no escape."

"Why are we flaming here, then?" Lief asked lowering his voice to a whisper.

Satis ran his hand through his hair and spoke. "From what we have gathered, they need labor. Think about the myths of the temple of Valla in the poor quarter. They terrify the people. Even if someone respects and prays to Valla, they don't want to be kidnapped and tortured like the stories claim."

"Huh, So the priests just need servants then?"

"We think so," Satis agreed. "But I for one will not become a slave in service of Valla. I think there are many other jobs we could fill but I highly suspect that we could end up as acolytes like Assador here as well." He gestured rudely at the acolyte's back.

Tasadar stopped suddenly in front of a large doorway. He turned quickly trying to surprise Dee with an unwanted grope but she easily avoided it. She smiled at him innocently. There was a murderous glint in her eye when she glanced back at Satis. Dee was more dangerous than Lief had realized.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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