1.03 Rest

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The entire world was pain. Every raspy breath was a trial. Hour after hour, Treguna gasped for breath her damaged lungs fighting for air. Every shift in the bed was pure anguish. Even wiggling her toes caused an intense amount of pain.

Finally after what seemed like years Treguna opened her eyes. She was in a bright room and half naked. She raised her head glimpsing clean bandages covering most of her legs and chest. But she was still alive and that was enough.

"Lief" she croaked. "Where are you?"

The door opened man with a thin red outfit walked in. He caught Treguna's eyes and smiled. "You have returned to the living, I see."

"Where's Lief?" Treguna coughed trying to sit up. She looked toward the man, then looked down at her half naked body. She jerked, trying to cover herself with her hands.

"Valla's burning eyes girl, It's not like I haven't seen it all before," he chuckled

Treguna's sudden movements irritated the burns and wracked her with agony. She tried to clear her throat, but her mouth was like a desert. She was unable to swallow and instead coughed in a fit of pain.

The man frowned. "Please stop wiggling around or I will have to dress your bandages again." He bent down and offered her a cup. "Drink this. You have lost quite a bit of water."

Treguna eyed the cup. If the man wanted to kill her he could do it easily. There was no reason for him to poison her. She took the cup and greedily drained it. She looked at the man expectantly for more. He refilled her cup and she quickly finished it.


The man cut her off, "Yes, Yes. You're talking about the boy from the poor quarter fire, I assume?"

Treguna eyes lit up with hope. She confirmed with a slight nod.

"He's fine I'm sure, I saw him a few hours ago when we brought you to the infirmary."

"Where is he, then?" Treguna asked. Her voice grew harder with distrust.

"In the living quarters, I suppose. He will soon face initiation." The man frowned and continued. "Bad business that. It always creates more work for us medics and then there are the casualties to consider."

Treguna eyed him warily. "Casualties?"

"Don't you worry about it. I'm sure the boy will be fine" He looked her pitiful form over and added, "You are already a casualty of flames yourself, you know. Take care of that body of yours, then you can worry about this Life."

"Lief" she corrected.

"Yes, yes, of course" the man replied automatically.

Treguna felt her strength slipping away from her. She wanted to get as much information as she could before her body rebelled against her.

"I'm in the temple of Valla, so that makes you a medic of Valla." She said fishing for information.

Treguna watched the man's eyes to confirm. He smiled and nodded. "That's correct. My name is Thaddeus, head medic. And who might you be?"

"Treguna, Queen of Gurath." she snapped back unable to stop herself.

"Oh what an honor to be in the presence of royalty!" Thaddeus grinned and gave a mocking bow.

"Is Treguna, pirate captain more agreeable? Or Treguna, night mistress? How about Treguna, chicken whisperer? Which one suits me, dear medic?"

Thaddeus rubbed his chin pretended to think deeply. "Aha! Treguna, the infirmed!" He laughed at his own joke. "Well Traguna, of mysterious origins, you might not believe it, but I have other matters to attend to today. They are much less interesting, mind you, but a man's gotta eat. Get some rest and I will check on your wounds later."

"I'll always be interesting, don't you worry." She smiled then winced in quick succession from the pain. "Thank you for saving me Thaddeus. Can you check on my friend, please? I'd get up myself, but I have a feeling you would be quite upset with the amount of work I'd create for you."

"I'll see what I can do for 'my dearly beloved my queen'." Thaddeus replied, his eyes sparkling with laughter. A servant entered the room holding a tray. Thaddeus grabbed a cup and helped Treguna's head up gently. "Drink up and sleep well little one. You need strength for the trials ahead of you"

Treguna waved away the drink. "You mentioned initiation earlier."

"I, unfortunately, know very little about the ritual. I just deal with its aftermath." He sighed. "I will check up on this boy Lief and do my best to make sure he survives."

Satisfied with his words, Treguna drank the liquid in the offered cup. The cool fluid had the bitter aftertaste of medicine, but her body desperately needed untroubled sleep. Treguna felt the deep exhaustion and pain emanating from every pore body.

"Please find my friend," she whispered, her eyes losing focus.

Thadeus held her hand as she closed her eyes succumbed to sleep. "Shh"

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