Chapter 5

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Trying to fit this in while my little girl has a nap and I wanted to post at least something for you guys...'Cause i'm nice like that :D

Sorry for the wait and the extreme shortness..................Again :/ But here it is Chapter 5 enjoy


Chapter 5

The drive to Rayul would take us 8 hours, 8 excruciatingly long hours in the back of an army truck with 9 other trainees. The amount of trucks that it is taking to transport everyone plus supplies they might as well have used a train. It would have been more comfortable too! Thankfully James and I weren’t in the same truck. I wouldn’t have been able to stand the tension, along with my building nerves I might have imploded. But my new friend Wes was with me and after a nap he was managing to keep my brain from imaging little green men with laser guns and bloody bodies.

“Why don’t you get some sleep in, Kid? We’ve got a while to go yet.” He’d said when I yawned half way into our journey. I’d frowned and he added “I’ll wake you half an hour before we arrive if you’re still asleep. Don’t want to be late again do we?” He’d smiled warmly and I obliged. Just as he said he nudged me just as the sun was going down.

“We’ll be there soon.” Was all he said before he turned away to look out the back of the truck deep in thought. Twenty minutes later we could see the camp, stone buildings stood in a loose square with piles of rubble around them and a large marquee erected in the middle. A single concrete road ran around the buildings and dirt tracks left it in different directions. As the first trucks stopped ours pulled in behind and were told to move quickly and jump out. Within 15 minutes there must have been about 700 men around us all wearing brown trousers, green t-shirts and a beret. Some people had put on their jackets to keep out the chill I noticed as I slipped my bag over my shoulders without putting my jacket on. Something as simple as putting on a jacket could make me look weak, a risk I was not willing to take.

When a few minutes passed without another truck pulling in, Brickwell took the lead and marched us into the square turning to us just before we met the marquee. He instructed each brigade to leave us in different directions and to find a bed before signalling those who were left to follow and walked into the marquee, elbowing the plastic sheet doors out of his way as he went. The Marquee was bigger than it looked. It must have been about eight large ones put together. A platform was set in the far corner with hi-tech computers and screens manned by three men. The large table in the centre was where we were headed where another two men stood looking over a map. As we approached someone nudged me in the shoulder, I turned to see James give me a questioning look. Still in a mood with him I faced forward without acknowledging it and heard him grumble to himself, serves him right for being a dick! As the last of us fell into place Brickwell spoke quietly to the  large man in front of him before turning to us again, my height and position in the group didn’t allow me to see much of what was going on but the new figure was even louder than Brickwell.

“Welcome to your new home boys, I’m Major Carr. Because of dropped ranks my job doesn’t officially exist. The only reason i'm here is because you’re gunna be the front line elite squad for us, the first line of defence and that is a position that needs training. I’m not going to sugar coat it, some of you aren’t going to make it home, and that’s the truth. But the ones who do, whether it’s five or fifty of you, will be treated like kings. You’ll be trained under myself and my young friend here...” the man to his left nodded “...and we expect nothing but the best. Training starts in the morning, we’ll see you then.” 

This time I caught the salute and moved my hand in time with the others as Carr walked away with Brickwell, leaving the young man to introduce himself. He was exactly that, young, much younger than any of the other higher ranks here. He must have been slightly older than me, 24 maybe 25, and he was hot! I mentally slapped myself for thinking it and tried reminding my body that while I was here I was a man, while I was here I had to train hard, learn fast and keep my mouth shut. On top of all that I had to survive, something that wouldn't happen if my mind was filled with images of this guy with no shirt on.

He cleared his throat as he stepped forward, a scowl already on his face “None of you want to be here, that in itself is why I don’t like you. None of you volunteered, you had to be told to help. That to me says you are lazy and couldn’t care any less about the survival of your species, the survival of this planet. Because of dropped ranks I have been demoted to a private, a decision that I find an insult. However, because of my history in these forces I have been given permission to help train you rather then fall among your rank." He smirked before continuing "My name is Adam Brickwell and I am here to make your life hell.” 


So what do you think?

Ok Rant Time :D 

So after reading the books a hundred gazillion times i finally got round to watching The Host  a few weeks ago and OH MY GOD was i disappointed. The Host is such a good book and no offence to the Actors/actresses.... I hated it, absolutely hated it! I didn't like the way the characters looked, they just didnt fit the book, I didn't like how they made melanie talk in Wanda's head... I was just so gutted! 

I also watched The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones and again didn't like how some of the characters were portrayed.. especially Jace and Valentine. Other then that I didn't think it was so bad. That might have been cause I lowered my standards after seeing The Host to be fair :D

Anyone else that has read and watched these two think i'm right? Or am i just being a moany cow LOL.

Thanks for reading :D


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