author's note

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So I know the story sounds kind of depressing...but hear me out and let me explain.

I have an anxiety disorder and that makes life pretty hard. By expressing myself in stories and written words in general it's easier to process everything. I'm not particularly good with people. Writing this story I thought about how life is for me. The constant worrying, the voices in my head that make me doubt every step, every word I make and of course the paranoia that people will see my weird behavior, notice the unbearable tension riding on every single muscle in my body.
And the words. For others they are simple, they pass them without a second thought. Forgotten the moment they are spoken. Not for me. I found myself hung up for days, even weeks or in rare cases years on one particular word or sentence that one person said. (They probably don't even remember saying it.)

I mean, I don't want to wallow in self pity here (seriously, i don't ;))
I just want to help people understand anxiety a bit better and to think twice before saying something that could really hurt the person you're talking to. (Anxiety or not.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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