Gabe's friends

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Sang P.O.V

I wonder if Gabe knows these people. "What why was a kid fucking kid scream threats at you?", I hear North say. "I already told you he thought I might hurt his mother and her baby like the dad did. Also no talking like that around 2 year olds.", Gabe tells him.

I'm kind of uncomfortable with him telling people about Rocky. But if he trusts them I won't say anything. North comes over looks at me and little man "Sorry I didn't realize there was a kid out here.", he tells me.

"Gabe how do you know her anyway?", North turns and asks him. "She's an old friend whose going to be living with me starting today.", Gabe tells me. "So your why Gabe was fixing up a nursery in his house. We were all wondering were friends of Gabe's. I'm Luke.", a blonde haired guy with mischievous brown eyes that looks like a freaking model.

I whirl and look at Meanie. Why would he do that I didn't tell him I was coming until yesterday. "I knew you come down here eventually with Rocky's temper. So I thought I should be ready for a baby and a kid.", he tells me. "That's nice Gabe but I don't even know what the gender is right.", I tell him. "You look like your 5 months why haven't you found out the gender yet if you wanted too?", I turn to see it was Kota asking. "I'm 7 months actually. Rocky refused to let me go to the doctor so I couldn't get it done. He got angry if I mentioned it.", I answer him.

"We have a doctor friend who can check you and the baby out if you want.", Luke tells me. I look at Gaberiel and silently ask him if this is okay. He nods at me.

(Vote for what gender you want you have till 6 pm 9/18/2017 to vote. Twins are acceptable. If I get an even number of votes I'll do mixed gender twins. No votes and I pick.)

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