Am I A Ninja Now?

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(So I got called in for work yesterday and didnt get home till around 11 so I went to sleep  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, so I'm posting this chapter now as I woke up late)

Dedicated to:  Sesshy3790, fairy_tail_120, Tsubaki_Hatake, Inuyokai, Sky575, Luna_Uchiha1, TamaraTullis, Animalluver96, Silverwolfslayer, DaisyRivera343 and anyone else who has supported the story thank you!

"well in any case, I want you to redo it for more of the concern that you aren't wearing your Hitai-ate" Sarutobi said 

"I didn't want to mess it up, I'll start wearing it after the ceremony" Naruto said stretching 

"ah when is that ceremony?" asked kagome

"It's tomorrow 'gome and we'll be official ninjas!" he grinned 

She grinned back (because who wouldn't be excited to be a freaking ninja, with the dark clothes and mysterious sayings? am I right or am I right )


Kagome and naruto looked towards the door 


A kid with a scarf on his neck,a yellow shirt with the leaf insignia on it, and a cap with a cute little meanie face on it. It made his hair stick up in a makeshift ponytail.

"On guard old man!"

He ran in and tripped hitting his face on the wood

A man with glasses coming in behind him

"Oww! Is this a trap?!"

"Honored grandson, are you alright?!"
The man yelled

Kagome and naruto sweatdropped

'Can they stop yelling already?' Kagome thought picking up shippo, who had his ears covered whimpering.

Naruto looked at the little boy up and down "Who's the kid?"


"You village disgrace, the human form of the Nine-tailed demon fox!" The man smirked

"He tripped me!" The kid said

"You fell on your own!" Naruto yelled back grabbing him by the collar shaking him

"Naruto, dont be so rough he's just a kid!" Kagome said making him put the kid down

"What's your name?" She asked

"I'm konohamaru and I'm gonna be the greatest ninja ever!" (I honestly just put the name asking part so that I don't have to call him kid anymore)

"No I'm gonna be the greatest ninja and I'm gonna be hokage!" Naruto yelled poking Konohamaru in the chest

" you get your hands off of the hokage's grandson!" The man yelled

"Take your best shot, I dare you!" 'They're always afraid to hit me after they know I'm the hokage's grandson' Konohamaru thought

"Like I care!" Naruto yelled before smaking Konohamaru in the head


" Naruto, what did I say about being rough?!" She yelled smacking naruto
In his head

'Hmm...' sarutobi thought

~ #Didn'tGet2SeeGodzillaYet T-T~

'He's been following us' thought kagome as she watched naruto slowly get annoyed

"Quit following us!"

"How did you see through my disguise?! The rumors of your power are true!"

"Teach me, oh wise one!" Konohamaru pleaded

'Huh?' Kagome and naruto thought

"Teach me the technique you used on my grandpa, chief"

Kagome giggled "Yea 'chief', teach him"

"Kagome, I can't teach him that!"

"And why not?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

"Becuse it's my secret technique!"

"We'll it's not really a secret is it, it'll be fine to teach to him" she said

"Yea but he's just a kid"

"I am not a kid, and I want you to teach me so I can beat the old man!"

Kagome smiled

'This'll be interesting'

(Alright guys, I tried to make it a long one, anyway I realized that this is gonna be a long series as with how many episodes are in naruto and the fact that I'm only on ep 2(using the episode again cuz its easier for me to post using that cuz I can literally watch it anywhere and type as I watch) so you're in for a ride, later~)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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