Kagome meets Naruto!

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(A/N: I haven't been updating due to SOL's and coming up and i need to pass them so I don't have to take my exams also I had lost my rough draft(why is it when you stop looking for something you find it) and just found it so i decided to finish this chap before SOL's. ps: I plan to update soon)

'How could they treat naruto like that' 'I shouldn't be surprised humans tend to shy away from what them fear or don't understand' she thought 

she was mad about how they treated him but couldn't change their opinion but she promised to be there for the blonde and become his friend

"are there more like him?"

Sarutobi looked genuinely surprised before answering "yes there are more, eight more although I do not know if all are alive, who are like naruto some are more fortunate than others " "some make friends and family who love them and some, like naruto, aren't so lucky" 

"there are also others who wish to use them as I was telling Iruka, I believe that Mizuki plans to use naruto for something but don't know what, so be on the look out"

Kagome and Iruka nodded 


"what is it, Lord hokage?"

"I know how you feel about naruto, but you must understand naruto grew up without the love of parents too" " every one avoids him after the kyuubi attack. That's why he misbehaves... so that he is acknowledged and gets attention" " he puts on a facade of toughness, but inside he is hurting"

Iruka nodded and vanished as kagome watched the swirl of leaves 

"anything you needed kagome?" he asked going back to his paperwork

"um, yes jiji-san I was wondering about the books you said I could use to learn ninjutsu"

"ah yes I went and got the book for you" he said pulling out a three-inch, hard back, black book with gold writing inscribed in it

"that book contains all the basicand advanced jutsus" "all ninja have a jutsu unique to them during your learning you should learn jutsus unique to you"

She nodded 

"all the jutsus you would need for the academy is in there even though you won't have to go through the academy like everyone else since midoriko already informed me of your skills and capability of fighting"

"won't the others be suspicious?" she asked 

"I have already informed my ninjas of your passing"

she nodded before picking up the book 

"lets go guys I want to practice a little before the academy tomorrow" she walked out the tower it was still early

her, kirara, and shippo made it to the house and she got her shuriken 

"alright lets see what we got"

she opened the book and read the table of contents  

she turned to the page listed Jutsu Requirements To Graduate From Academy:

-Body Replacement Technique

-Cloak of Invisibility Technique 

-Clone Technique

-Rope Escape Technique

She read over how to do them before deciding to try Body Replacement and Clone

she quickly memorized the hand signs trying clone first

'Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog'

Another kagome popped up in a poof of smoke 

Demon ninja kagome(an inuyasha/naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now