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Dipper, Pacifica, and Stan made it back to the shack in about 15 minutes. Pacifica was panting a bit.

"Ugh. Finally we're here. My grandmother could have run faster then you two. And before she died she had arthritis, back problems, and had to be in a wheel chair." Stan complained then smiled smugly as he went into the house.

"Ok. Let's quickly change and leave for you house before Stan gets us to message his feet." Dipper said then shivered. "Oh. Those bunions."he said then shivered again. Pacifica put up her hand to say stop.

"Don't remind me." He took a deep breath. "Ok. Let's hurry." Pacifica said. They both ran to change. Once they changed they tossed the workout clothes into the washer to get rid of the sweat and dirt. They got onto dipper bike when they heard grunkle Stan call out.

"Kids! Can someone come message my feet. These bunions aren't gonna go away by themselves!" Stan called.

"Mabel help Stan in going out with Pacifica!" Dipper quickly yelled then drove out of the garage. Mabel ran out of the mystery shack.

"Hey! You big jerk! How dare you leave me to help grunkle Stan with his ugly feet!" Mabel yelled at dipper.

"Mabel sweetie. These 'ugly feet' need messaging." Stan called. Mabel cringed.

After a while of driving Dipper and Pacifica made it to the mansion.

"Alright. Let's go mr. Monster hunter. Let's get you ready for our date." Pacifica said. She pushed him into a closet the size of a room.

"I will never get used to this huge walk in closet." Dipper said. Pacifica looked through the suits she had gotten for dipper and picked out a navy blue one, with matching pants, a pair of shoes that went nicely with the pants, and blue tie that she had custom made with dippers pine tree on it. He then went into a room and changed. While he did that Pacifica got herself a dress, shoes, and some other things. When dipper came out he had everything on. He pulled at the neck of the suit. "Ugh its like this collars strangling me our something." Dipper said. Another door opened behind him. Dipper turned to see Pacifica wearing a lake foam green dress, heels, some gloves that matched her dress. Dipper sighed. "How does a goofy dork like me get a hot rich girl like you?" Dipper asked. Pacifica smiled and took his hand.

"A lot of luck." She said. They went down to the garage where several sports cars were parked inside. Dipper walked down the line.

"Which one should we take?" Dipper asked. Pacifica thought for a bit.

"Let's take Chevrolet Camaro. It's nice and simple. Besides. It's the same color as your suit." She said. She picked up the set of keys and tossed them to dipper. He caught them easily and opened the car. They both got in. Dipper then drove to a fancy restaurant. They then walked over to the front. The man behind the stand saw them.

"Name?" He asked.

"Northwest." Dipper said. He nodded his head at Pacifica. The mans eyes widened.

"Ms. Northwest. I am so sorry I didn't recognize you. Uh... right this way." The man said. He then lead dipper and Pacifica to an empty table. Soon a man ran up to the table. He seemed to be very nervous.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked.

"Champagne please." Pacifica said. Dipper raised an eyebrow. "What were both 18 now. We're not minors anymore. Besides school just ended. There's no more school for us until September and even then we're just gonna be taught by your great uncle Ford." She said. She then made a pouty face. "Please." She said. Dipper sighed and laid back in the chair.

"Fine." He conceded.

"Yay!" She said cheerfully. The man left and not long after came back with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.he then poured some of it into the glasses. Dipper took his glass and just looked at it for a second. Pacifica on the other hand took it and downed as fast as possible. And that was the first among many drinks that Pacifica had for that night.

Time skip.

After they finished their dinner Pacifica was very drunk. Dipper shook his head. It seemed the pills hadn't gotten to her digestive tract just yet like dippers did. He picked her up and carried her out of the restaurant while she was giggling like mad. Dipper opened the door holding Pacifica up with one arm.

"Ooh! Your so strong." Pacifica said drunkenly. Dipper then put her down in her seat. She yelled "Wee!" When she went down. He then began strapping her in her seat. "Hey." She said slowly. Dipper buckled her in and looked at her.

"Yes?" Dipper asked.

"Don't tell dipper. But I really like him. I like him a lot." She said. Dipper smiled a bit at that. If she said that while drunk then it had to be true. Right? "I like him so much I want to sleep with him. Sleep with him while doing natures work." She said then began to giggle again. Dipper began to blush. He then closed the door. And got into the drivers seat. "Oh. Hey dipper. Your here. I was just talking to a nice guy. He's right." She said and turned to the door. "Huh. That's weird. He was right there. I told him how much I like you." She said. Then reached across the center and grabbed dippers right arm. She then held it tightly. Dippers hand was at her stomach, the middle of his arm held tightly to Pacifica's chest by Pacifica. Pacifica had her head on dippers shoulder. "Dipper. Will you keep me company tonight?" She asked. Dipper blushed again.

"If you be a good girl and let go of my arm so I can drive? Sure." He said nervously. Pacifica smiled and let's his arm go.

"Ok." She said. She then sat in the chair watching all the lights and trees go by through her window. "Wow! We're moving so fast!" She said. Once they got back to the mansion dipper picked her back up and carried her up to her room.

"Ok then I'm gonna leave you alone to change." He said. Pacifica grabbed him.

"No!" She protested in a drunk manner. "Stay here." She said slowly. Dipper blushed once more. She then went to her dresser and began to undress. Dipper whipped around so his back was facing her. Pacifica giggled at this. 'Man. She giggled a lot when drunk.' Dipper thought. Then after a bit she jumped onto his back. "Dipper!" She called joyously like a child. "Let's go to bed now." She said sweetly. Dipper pulled her arms off her and ser her down.

"How about I change first." Dipper said. Pacifica smiled.

"Ok then. Strip monster dork." She said. Dippers face became bright red. Dipper then walked to a dresser where he kept some shorts he used when he slept at Pacifica's place and went to the bathroom.

"Awe!" Pacifica complained. Dipper then came out in his shorts without a shirt. "Yay! Muscles!" She said he came into the room. She hugged him tightly. Dipper could feel every bit of her body. Then he realized something.

"Pacifica. Do you have underwear?" He asked while becoming a bright red once more.

"Nah uh." She said then giggled. Just at that moment the door opened.

"Pacifica. You in here- oh!" She said when she saw dipper and Pacifica holding him tightly with a childish grin that seemed to scream 'drunk!' 

"Mrs. Northwest. Please help!" Dipper said. Mrs. Northwest smiled.

"I think I'll just leave you two to it." She said before leaving the room.

"No mrs. northwest you got it wrong!" Dipper yelled but Mrs. Northwest ignored him. Pacifica pulled dipper to the bed and threw him down onto it. She then jumped onto his lap and sat on him. "Pacifica. We shouldn't do this." Dipper said. Pacifica leaned over him so her face was close to him.

"But I love yo-" she began. She couldn't finish because she passed out. She fell onto dipper. Dipper sighed in relief and thanked god. He then picked her up and sat her on the bed. He then went to her dresser and picked some underwear for Pacifica. He then put them on her with his eyes closed. The underwear was simple enough. Just slip her legs through then pull them up without touching her. The bra was another story. It took a while but dipper got it on without seeing anything. Dipper sighed in relief then got into the bed next to Pacifica and pulled the covers over the both of them and fell asleep.

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