24 ;; virgo

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i am absolutely nervous about tonight because i'm scared of getting rejected. tristian kept making fun of me because i was being stupid and somehow he knows how camila feels. i look ahead of me to see camila finishing up her ice cream as we walk to the trash can to throw the plastic bowl away.

once she reached it, she turns around for me to catch up, smiling at me widely. i throw my bowl away as she does, then she takes my hand in hers. "where are we going now?"

"i told you it's going to be a surprise!" i tell her and lead her to my car.

camila stuck close to my side, letting go of my hand to wrap her arm around me, and pull me closer to her. i felt my heart beat quicken by the way she was so close- once we reached my car, i told her that we're going to a festival/carnival, and she insisted to change, and i couldn't say no at her pout. i end up driving her home, luckily i always have clothes with me, so i changed also.

afterwards we got into my car once again, camila kept her hand on my thigh when i was driving to the location. i glance over at the beauty with awe, her smile never leaving, the way her eyes are shining, the way she blushes whenever she notices i'm looking at her, and covers her face.

"come on!" camila jumps out of my car before i could even park. i shook my head lightly, parking quickly, getting out to follow camila inside.

of course, being the hungry ass she is, she spots the french fries stand, and yells at me to go to her. i roll my eyes playfully, going to her, and stop her from pulling her wallet out.

"i'll pay for it." i say seriously.

"you paid for the ice cream, i'll buy this." camila refuses.

"i asked you on a date, so i am paying." i say quickly before telling the worked to give us a small bucket, giving the money to him, and was satisfied when camila didn't complain.

when we got the fries, we walk around, playing games, losing each time but we still had fun. i check the time, widening my eyes, quickly grabbing camila's arm to stop her from walking. i didn't say anything, just ran as she follows me, asking me what's wrong, and then we got to the space where concerts play. camila had never ending questions as i gave our tickets to a worker who allowed us to cross.

"babe," camila says out of breath from running. "why are we here?"

i smirk slightly, giving my phone to a random girl to take a picture, and after i brought camila closer to the stage.

another artist was up, blackbear, but we weren't here for him. camila sways her body side to side as the music plays, singing along to the lyrics. i sang along as well, holding her hand whenever she reached for it, and it was just all smiles and laughter. when blackbear goes off, i quickly make an excuse saying i was going to the bathroom. i peck her cheek quickly before running towards the bathroom but made a turn to go backstage, getting a pass saying it's okay. i go over to little mix, the girls camila loves to death, and dua lipa. they pep talk with me before the two go on stage to sing secret love song. i felt my nerves kick in once again, constantly texting tristian to say i'm nervous and scared as fuck, and will be humiliated if camila rejects me.

when dua starts singing her verse, it's my cue to go on stage, and i do so, having perrie introduce me, as they lowly sing in the background. perrie gives me her microphone, and i spot camila staring at me in the crowd with confusion.

"hey everyone," i say and blew out a deep breath. "my name is virgo and i came here with a beautiful girl who i love dearly." i make eye contact with the girl i am in love with. "i love that she loves who she is, she is the most strongest people i have known for most of my life, and if i ever lose her, i think i would honestly die. her name is camila jane vause-wilkinson, a girl who strives to do her best, someone who loves to spread love, and someone who isn't ashamed to do anything." i say, feeling myself get flushed, and could hear people awe.

"camila, will you please join us up here?" i hear jesy asks, people cheering for camila to come up, and having security help her up.

"what the fuck is going on?" camila asks when she's now in front of me.

"camila, you have no idea how much i love you. i realize that i've been fighting with myself about how i feel about you, and now i want to make it official, and make my love show instead of hiding it from you and others." i look her right in the eyes, hearing all the girls stop singing, but the music playing lightly.


"will you be my girlfriend, camila jane vause-wilkinson?" i cut her off.

camila's jaw drops in shock, staring right into my eyes. "yes! of course!" camila grins and quickly presses her lips on mine, making me smile against her lips, tasting strawberry cream, and felt her soft lips against mine.

i pull away to hear everyone scream of happiness.

camila is my happiness.

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