A/N #2

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I'll try not to put too many of these in my story, but I need to know what my readers think. Just don't think I'm asking if you want me to continue, I am. I just got some free time, since I was in the hospital, I've been trying to make-up as much work as I could. Don't worry, I was fixing myself while I was in the hospital, and I'm better than I've been in years. Feel free to message me if you want to know about it. I just don't want my whole back story here. It will be in my other story/update called "Not Just Sadness...".

Now, back to the real reason I'm writing this note. I wanted to know some of the ideas you'd like to see in Switched Out. Any idea I use will have the chapter dedicated to them, just like I did with @crazysocks112 and Ch. 13.5, they suggest I'd have the pov from Nathan's view, and I've been doing my best to implement that in to add depth to this.

Which get's to one idea I thought about since Jason seemed like a well liked character, how about we have Ch. 21 as Jason? I tried asking in the comments of Ch. 20, but got no response from it. I'd love to know your ideas, either leave a comment below or message me. If you don't want me to dedicate the chapter to you, please tell me. If I get one from the comments and message to to get where you're going with it. 

Thank you for reading, and any suggestions you leave me. :D Peace out. :P

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