Chapter 27 - Victim's Of Men

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Oviya was working as waitress in a café where Akaash sees her and offers her a job in his friend's company. Oviya accepts and goes to the company only to face her worst nightmare Sridar. Sridar, pities her, as she is a single mother and also feels guilty for her state. He vents out his anger on her once but regrets it later. Oviya learns about Sonya's death. Sridar gets closer to Sarah first, without knowing that she is his daughter, but when he learns the truth later, he tries to avoid her, but his fatherly love for his daughter overcomes his reluctance. So he secretly meets his daughter without Oviya's knowledge but unfortunately they get caught red-handed for which he gets slapped by Ovi. Later Ovi complains to Akaash that she wants to resign the job, he asks what was going on between them both. Sri reveals that he was married to Ovi. He narrates how Sonya and Sonya's dad forced him to marry her just for the sake of revenge. Oviya was eavesdropping on their conversation and rushes out of the office. She was in confused state on knowing Akaash being Sonya's brother. So when comes to her home, she ignores him. But he explains his POV, finally she tries to accept his POV. Later he tries to speak for Sri, she gets hurt knowing that his childhood friend betrayed her. First she thought he was her Sri, but his actions made her to think otherwise. Now when she heard from Sri's conversation she was hurt that he betrayed her and he thought someone else as his Ammu. Oviya ordered Sridar to not meet her daughter. Even though Sridar pleaded a lot, she refused to give permisssion. Akaash gave an idea to Sridar so that he stay with Sarah and rectify his mistakes. So Sridar is taking a step in bringing them closer. Oviya on the other hand, was very angry on Sanchana, for getting engaged without informing her before.

Oviya's POV:

I heard someone knocking at the door, I thought it could be Sridar, so went to open the door only to see Sanchana standing before me. She was not the bubbly Sanchana I used to see, she was looking terrible. Her eyes were red and swollen. Her dress seems to be not in the proper way.

"Ovi..." she hugged me and started to cry.

"What happened Sanchu?" I patted her back and supported her in.

She kept on weeping.

"Shhh shhh, calm down. What happened Sanchu?" I enquired

"Everything is gone Ovi! I don't know how I am going to face Ajay!" saying that she started to hiccup, blubbering.

Ajay is her fiancée. I gave her water and allowed her to calm down a bit.

"Why? What happened? What did you do? Did you guys fight?"

She shook her head no and I didn't ask her further. All of the sudden She started to cry again. Sanchu has always been a strong girl. Whatever problem she faced, she would face it boldly, actually I have never seen her crying before. She just finds a way to clear her obstacle effectively and that's what I like about her. But now I don't know how to convince her. I don't even know what happened.

"Kis... Kishore kidnapped... me... and... and... he... raped me" she blurt it out stuttering. OMG! I didn't expect this one. She even sent me a voice message today, Then in between she was kidnapped?

"How? When?"

"Soon after I sent you message. I was on my way to the hospital, it was raining. He came by that side and he said that he will drop me in the hospital. So I got in his car. He took me to his home, when I started to shout he gave me anesthesia and I fainted. When I woke up I was in wearing his shirt. He even threatened me saying that I should not get married to Ajay or else the consequence will be worse than this. Then he dropped me here.

"I don't know what to do Ovi." Unable to hold any longer she started to cry.

"Did you tell to your parents?" I asked her.

No! I Don't Love You!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon