Chapter 5

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Hey guys. (-: this chapter, you'll hear about Dymes past.



I stared at Days with confusion. " Why does it even matter? It's not any worse then what you've put me through. My father beat my mother. One day he beat her so bad, that her body began to shut down. She died in my arms. My father blamed me for so long. I dreaded every night he came home from the bar. He'd call me down. Of coarse, I couldnt refuse. He'd kill me too. But now I realize death would have been a better choice. Every day I went to school. Everyone would ask me where all my bruises came from. I lied. Everytime. I was with a guy for a year. He made everything better when I was with him. He never knew what was happening. He believed the lies too. One day, I got up the strength to tell him. I felt so alone. I wanted someone to understand. He left me the day after I told him. He didn't want to stay with me knowing my scars would never go away, and knowing the bruises would keep coming. I'd never have perfect skin. I didnt blame him. I didn't deserve him. The day you found me, was actually going to be my last night alive. I was going to get trashed, and kill myself later on. Why should I live? I wanted to die. I was ready too. But you had to come and take that away from me." I finished with a sigh of frustration. He looked at me for a long time. So many emotions running through his eyes. Sympathy, anger. I was scared. I didn't know how he'd reply. He took my hand into his. "I-i dont know what to say. I didn't realize.. The hell you've been through. It's always been my job to dispose of the wastes in this town. Listen, you're a guest now. I won't hurt you anymore." I was shocked at his response. " Actually, could you do me a favor?" I asked him. " Anything. I owe you." He replied. " I don't want this. Just kill me." I demanded. He went silent. He closed his eyes and balled his fists as if trying to hold back. He got up and swiped all the books off the bookshelf in his room. He then picked up everyone up and tossed them as hard as he could at the walls. He was pissed. His face turned red and his beautiful brown eyes turned black. I backed myself as far to the headboard of the bed as I could. I put my head in my arms waiting for him to stop. The sound of thrashing around came to a halt. I heard his footsteps come closer to me. " Dyme. Look at me. " I didn't dare. I kept my head down. "I'm sorry sir, don't hurt me!?" I began to cry. He took his fingertips and raised my chin up. " I said look at me. I'm sorry if I scared you. But you cannot just ask me to do that.. I won't do it! " Is this guy on some serious cocaine. Why wouldn't he?! He's threatened to kill me so many times, and now that I want him too he won't. His face leaned closer to mine. He began to talk in a whisper. " You havn't deserved any of this Dyme." He leaned even closer. His lips brushed mine. I pushed him away, and jumped back. I ran for the bathroom, closed the door behind me and locked it.

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